world:patiencia backlinks history revert

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owner = [[user>fiaKaiera]] | name-glyph = [pa]t[ie]nc[ia] | name-full = Patiencia | name-alt = Port Town Patience | image = world:patiencia_flag.png | art-credit = [[user>fiaKaiera]] | aspect1 = :autumo: | aspect2 = :aer: | aspect3 = :indivisus: | loc-type = Settlement -- Town | continent = [[world:crescentalia\|Crescentalia]]

Patiencia, primarily known as Port Town Patience is a small peaceful town set near the sea acting as the satellite town of Harmonia found in the east.

Traveling straight from the ports of Patience towards the sea leads to one of the Crescentalia Path Reflectors. Exiting the town will lead to the Maui Fields.

world/patiencia.1520528543.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/03/08 17:02 by fiakaiera