user:somerando backlinks history revert

This is an old revision of the document!

username = SomeRando | image = | updated = April 2020 | artby = Nintendo, Yari#1038 on Discord (they modified it)


Some guy on the internet. After a fairly screwed up childhood (don't ask), and multiple bungled suicide attempts, his mind isn't exactly the most sane. Created the Tilitrapuliam and Ubihom. Currently lacking ideas, aside from a candy bar using Ubihom Sweet.

  • Discord: SomeRando#1470


Character Ownerships

image = harrison nihil mug.png | name = harrison nihil\|Harrison Nihil | sub = Furrial


user/somerando.1587234501.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/04/18 18:28 by somerando