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dice:home [2018/02/15 23:46]
fiakaiera [Role-playing Aspects] fixed Perception typo
dice:home [2020/06/04 19:03] (current)
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-====== Fia Dice======+====== 🎲 Fia [Dice======
 {{ diceicon.png?nolink&256}} {{ diceicon.png?nolink&256}}
-<div warning><fc #c63824>//**NOTICE!**//</fc> //**This page is undergoing active work.** If you plan to do session, please note that not everything has been finalized and possibly be subject to change.//</div>+**Furrian Dice**, simplified as Fia [Dice] (フィア 「サイコロ」 //Fia 「Saikoro」//, lit. Fia 「Dice」) (stylized as **Fia 「Dice」**, also known as FiaD6, Fian Dice or Furria D6) is light fantasy tabletop role-playing system akin to [[wp>Dungeons & Dragons]].
-**Furrian Dice**, simplified as Fia -Dice (stylized as **Fia 「Dice」**, also known as FiaD6, Fian Dice or Furria D6) is a light fantasy tabletop role-playing system akin to [[wp>Dungeons & Dragons]].+Furrian Dice a variation of [[https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Simple_D6_-_Third_Edition|Simple D6 - Third Edition]] highly modified to and for the world of [[:furria|Furria]]. It's one step above than Simple D6 in complexity, but is still made simple and easy to learn, especially for those who doesn't like to explain advanced systems.
-Furrian Dice a variation of [[https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Simple_D6_-_Third_Edition|Simple D6 - Third Edition]] highly modified to and for the world of [[furria:Furria]]It's one step above than Simple D6 in complexitybut is still made simple and easy to learn, especially for those who doesn't like to explain advanced systems.+<div warning><fc #c63824>//**NOTICE!**//</fc> //**This whole concept is undergoing active work.** If you plan to do a sessionplease note that not everything has been finalized and possibly be subject to change.//</div>
-{{INLINETOC}}+**There are two variations of Fia 「Dice」:** 
 +  * **Simple**: FiaD6 as it was originally planned and easier to learn; and 
 +  * **Diverse**: FiaD6 with mechanics of Furria properly implemented. **This is the intended way to play.**
-===== Character Creation ===== +The differences between Simple and Diverse is that Diverse adds little bit more to make the system bit more interesting.
-For a start, create a character find a concept and a name you would like. If you created [[species:typyl|Typyl]] character, you may also use that instead, where most of the character is predetermined already.+
-You start with the following already in-hand: +----
-  * ''HP'' **10 Hit Points** for health +
-  * ''PT'' **6 points** to spend, more on it later+
-Other than that, choose a [[culture:equipment|weapon/weapon type]]. Something tells me you might need it.+<div columns> 
 +<div half column thick box> 
 +===== Fia 「Simple Dice」 ===== 
 +※ Very good for beginners for tabletop RPGs 
 +  * [[simple|Full Guide]] 
 +  * [[simple creation|Character Creation Guide]] 
 +  * [[simple gameplay|Gameplay Guide]]
-==== Role-playing Aspects ==== +<div download
-**Role-playing Aspects** (or ''RPA'') are six different areas used for interaction. This can radically change from game to game, depending on the game master. ''RPA''s are used for different interactions in the world. +**PDF Downloads:** 
- +<br>Not yet available
-When starting, each player has **1** point in every ''RPA''+
- +
-<div thick box centeralign+
- +
-<div leftalign inline box 27em> +
-• ''COM'' **Combat**<br> +
--- engaging in any combat+
 </div> </div>
-<div leftalign inline box 27em> 
-• ''MAG'' **Magic**<br> 
--- using magic inside and outside of combat 
 </div> </div>
-<div leftalign inline box 27em+<div half column thick box> 
-• ''INT'' **Intelligence**<br> +===== Fia 「Diverse Dice」 ===== 
--- using intellect or knowledge +※ **The intended way to play**, only adds a bit to Simple 
-</div>+  * [[diverse|Full Guide]] 
 +  * [[diverse creation|Character Creation Guide]] 
 +  * [[diverse gameplay|Gameplay Guide]]
-<div leftalign inline box 27em+<div download
-• ''SOC'' **Social Skills**<br> +**PDF Downloads:** 
--- interacting with another character+<br>Not yet available
 </div> </div>
-<div leftalign inline box 27em> 
-• ''PER'' **Perception**<br> 
--- doing observation or suspicion 
 </div> </div>
- +<div clear></div>
-<div leftalign inline box 27em> +
-• ''REF'' **Reflex**<br> +
--- acting with movement+
 </div> </div>
-You can spend a point (''PT'') to add +1 to a single ''RPA'' of your choice. 
-※ //Every other non-playing character have these stats as well.// 
-==== Stats (Optional) ==== 
-To make fights a bit more interesting, **Stats** (''STAT'') are introduced to spice up battles. They are based on a Typyl character's [[guide:typyl stats|stat growth]]. 
-Each player starts with **5 points** of each ''STAT'': 
-<div thick box centeralign> 
-<fs 0.8em>//When creating a character, you can freely give up to 4 points and add it to their inverse.//</fs><br> 
-<fs 0.8em>//(We don't recommend spending a ''PT'' here when creating a character)//</fs> 
-<div leftalign inline box 27em> 
-• <fc #dc0914>''STR'' **Strength**</fc> 
-<br>-- Physical Damage, ranged or not 
-<br>-- Inverse: <fc #b530b5>''RES''</fc> 
-<div leftalign inline box 27em> 
-• <fc #b530b5>''RES'' **Resistance**</fc> 
-<br>-- Magical Guard 
-<br>-- Inverse: <fc #dc0914>''STR''</fc> 
-<div leftalign inline box 27em> 
-• <fc #15c7d1>''SOR'' **Sorcery**</fc> 
-<br>-- Magical Damage 
-<br>-- Inverse: <fc #1c56ca>''DEF''</fc> 
-<div leftalign inline box 27em> 
-• <fc #1c56ca>''DEF'' **Defence**</fc> 
-<br>-- Physical Guard 
-<br>-- Inverse: <fc #15c7d1>''SOR''</fc> 
-<div leftalign inline box 27em> 
-• <fc #43b135>''SPD'' **Speed**</fc> 
-<br>-- Speed, helps in dodging 
-<br>-- Inverse: <fc #e6b400>''VIT''</fc> 
-<div leftalign inline box 27em> 
-• <fc #e6b400>''VIT'' **Vitality**</fc> 
-<br>-- Vitality, also adds to your health 
-<br>-- Inverse: <fc #43b135>''SPD''</fc> 
-You can spend a point (''PT'') to add +1 to a single ''STAT'' of your choice.<br> 
-※ //Every other non-playing character have these stats as well.// 
-If creating a character without a template, simply draw 9 blank circles in a line horizontally with the inversing stats on each side. You can optionally exchange the 5th circle to a line to be clear in the middle. Then fill in the circle towards the direction you have more points in. 
-**Example:** ''<fc #dc0914>**STR**</fc> ○ ○ ● ○ | ○ ○ ○ ○ <fc #b530b5>**RES**</fc>'' = ''**+2** <fc #dc0914>STR</fc>'' ''**-2** <fc #b530b5>RES</fc>'' = ''**7** <fc #dc0914>STR</fc>'' ''**3** <fc #b530b5>RES</fc>'' 
-==== Skills, Aspects and Quality ==== 
-=== Skills === 
-**Skills** are free-form and entirely made up to the player. It cannot be too broad as long as it can cover a field of expertise and never usable outside a specific area. An example of this is "Ranged Combat" which is as broad as it should get but can build upon it into something a bit more specific like knife throwing followed by knife aiming. 
-You can give yourself a skill by spending <span nounderline>''<abbr>2 PT[2 points]</abbr>''</span>, but when creating a character only <span nounderline>''<abbr>1 PT[1 point]</abbr>''</span> per skill is necessary. 
-※ //Remember when creating a character, you start with **no skills**. Be careful, on spending them all on either <span nounderline>''<abbr>STAT[Stats]</abbr>''</span>s or <span nounderline>''<abbr>RPA[Role-playing Actions]</abbr>''</span>s.// 
-=== Weapon Skill === 
-**Weapon Skill** is a //free// skill coming from your weapon of choice, it should be related to your weapon of choice and must not be too broad to cover all of it. It can be as simple as "Bash" for bash weapons. **You can only have one weapon skill.** 
-=== Quality === 
-**Qualities** are very broad skills, jobs or a stereotype like Soldier, Attentive, Strong, Talkative or Smart for instance. **You can only have a single quality.** 
-=== Aspects === 
-**Aspects** refers to the [[aspects:home|60 Aspects of Furria]]. Aspects can give bonuses to actions related to the specfic aspect. When creating a character, **you can choose up to 3 aspects** and you can give up an aspect slot to power up another aspect. 
-===== Task Resolution ===== 
-==== Character Progression ==== 
-===== Special Abilities ===== 
 ===== Trivia ===== ===== Trivia =====
-  * The first physical playthrough of Furrian Dice was in February 10, 2018, with the game master being [[user>wishdream]]. This first run was done to test the mechanics of the game, which is done later.+  * The first physical playthrough of Furrian Dice was in February 10, 2018, with the game master being [[user>wishdream]]. This first run was done to test the mechanics of the game, which is tried to fix later.
     * Vouched by --- //[[user:fiakaiera]] 2018/02/14 17:48//     * Vouched by --- //[[user:fiakaiera]] 2018/02/14 17:48//
dice/home.1518738364.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/02/15 23:46 by fiakaiera