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num = 14 | name-glyph = [ae][ta]s | name-full = Aetas | name-lower = aetas | name-plain = Space-time | categ-main = Elemental | categ-sub = Natural | represents = Space, Time, Capacity, Area | psv-image = blank | psv-name = ??? | sav-image = i_gyr | sav-name = Gyr Iro | color = 324960


Aetas is an Elemental Natural Aspect representing the Fiagia's presence and concept of both space and time. (Spacetime) The aspect is divided by two facets: space and time.

Due to its rarity, its Sylv value is rated at 1,000 yl and Aspect Crystals of its aspect are rare to find, best found inside deep generated dungeons and Millennial Puzzles.

Sorcia made with Aetas is often paired with :vello: Vello.



Aetas is one of the most powerful and the most restrictive out of all aspects to the point that it could end up as a forbidden aspect, but plays a major part in the world of Furria that it cannot be removed, such as the presence of the Portia class, Path Reflectors, Arcspace, and Millenial Puzzles.

It also is the main influence for several symbolic and spiritual aspects:
:amplius: Amplius, :minuo: Minuo, :duplico: Duplico, :partio: Partio, :vario: Vario, :firmus: Firmus, :ambio: Ambio, :creo: Creo, :imagino: Imagino, and :victus: Victus.


The aspect is divided by two facets: space and time, which work indepenently from each other yet co-exists as one aspect.


Aetas as a facet of space allows sorcia that alters the physical space around them through several methods. Gravity could be considered as a part of Aetas but instead is placed into :vello: instead.


With :velox: Velox, any object can be moved without physical contact of the user.

For sorcia being cast, the amount of force used depends on the following:

  • Strength
  • Weight of the object

Even though it does not require to for the user to move an object, Physical and/or magical strength is required to move an object at all in addition to their force. This cost could be lessened, if they are actively moving the said object.

Gravity can still be influenced in its translation, as such :vello: vello can still influence the movement of an object.


With :ambio: Ambio, barriers can be made to limit the area of their choice.

With sorcia being cast, the amount of force used depends on the following:

  • Strength of the barrier
  • Duration
  • Area, exponentially
  • Visibility
    • Normal visibility is 50%
    • Cost only applies if it goes under 50%
  • Luminosity, if :lucerna: Lucerna is applied
    • The barrier has a natural glow by default

With proper force exterted, the barrier can still be shattered.


Through the Telecia class, with :spatium: Spatium, an object can be transported through the use of portals or beams. The class Portia can use this further with the aid of crystals.

As sorcia being cast, the amount of force used depends on the following:

  • Distance
  • Size of the portal or beam, exponentially; or
  • Size of the target, exponentially if no portal is used
  • Beam visibility
    • A beam is visible from it's point of origin to its destination
  • Passthrough
    • The more objects one has to pass through, the higher

The only major limitation with this is that it cannot bypass Leylines in any way or form. As such Path Reflectors use sattelites in space to transport and route them accordingly.


With the combination of :firmus: firmus, they can temporarily make themselves then unable to be touched, but can still be seen by others.

As sorcia being cast, the amount of force used depends on the following:

  • Strength of the rift
  • Duration
  • Area of transportation in the rift
  • Area of the rift itself
  • Vision transparency in the rift
    • By default it is 50% opaque, any more opaque would cost nothing
  • Vision area in the rift
    • aka the area visible before it is filled with fog from the rift

Strength dictates how much those outside can feel those inside the rift and vice versa. The user is still not allowed to phase through objects depite not being able to be touched as they still exist in the world. The cost of using the Rift is usually high, unless used with efficiency.

Any object in the rift can still be interacted by other objects placed in the rift.


Aetas as a facet of time works as time is usually percieved, an indefinitely continued sequence of existence and events. As such, time cannot be reversed or even stopped. Aetas as an aspect works in manipulating the process of time but is mostly restricted due to its nature.


As time moves forward, it cannot be stopped or reversed in any way, but can be slowed down or sped up.

For sorcia being cast, the amount of force used depends on the following:

  • Speed adjusted, exponentially
    • Slowest speed achievable is 25% of normal time
      • Maximum of 5% with the assist of crystals
    • Fastest speed achievable is 200% of normal time
      • Maximum of 500% with the assist of crystals
  • Duration
  • Target / Area

Time manipluation is only applicable to sorcia cast by the user. It cannot be used through technology unless it is combined through the use of :victus: Victus as to sustain the state of a living being, but not slow down or speed up time.

However, combined with the aspect of :visio: Imagino, they can trick their targets of moving slower while the original target moves normally, creating a visual duplicate of themselves temporarily.


With the combination of :vario: Vario, the position of an area or target can be marked for later recovery.

As sorcia being cast, the amount of force used depends on the following:

  • Duration from the checkpoint, exponentially; or
  • Duration after it is marked
  • Distance from the checkpoint
  • Speed from the original position to the checkpoint
  • Target / Area

Making a checkpoint is usually cheap in force by nature. A passive type of sorcia can be used to commonly checkpoint themselves without the interaction of the user and only toggled. Using this method will decrease their gain of force from other actions while ensuring their position is kept updated.

Triggering the reversal of a checkpoint is required to be triggered manually by a user, not necessarily its owner. If the checkpoint passes their intended duration, then the checkpoint is lost. Usually, using checkpoints also uses another facet of Aetas, combined with :firmus: Firmus to make themselves temporarily use the rift during its transition.

If it's done through technology later to be used by the user, a lot of the cost of force is reduced from the user to revert to its state, mostly used on buildings.

Author Notes

  • The existence of the rule of reversing and stopping time is considered to be too powerful to be used as it undoes any occurence of damage or event.
  • The main reason for Victus is required in technology for time to slow down is so that no one can use it large scale in order to slow down or speed up the whole town.
    • This also breaks the concept of having the same age for other typyl and ends up with age keeping up or leaving behind the rate of others unless they are in stais.


  • Among all of the aspects, Aetas' location is found at I1 (or the 9th color) in the color chart, responding to a navy blue color #324960.


aspect/aetas.1534466678.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/08/17 00:44 by fiakaiera