world:snowport backlinks history revert


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world:snowport [2020/08/28 12:06]
fiakaiera created
world:snowport [2020/08/28 14:58] (current)
fiakaiera fixed linked areas
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 It is the home of [[class:Sav]] [[aspect:Glacies]] :glacies: [[typyl:Rue Eiriol]]. It is the home of [[class:Sav]] [[aspect:Glacies]] :glacies: [[typyl:Rue Eiriol]].
-Travelling straight from the ports of Patience towards the sea leads to one of the [[world:crescentalia|Crescentalia]] [[world:path reflector|Path Reflectors]]. Exiting the town will lead to the [[world:maui fields|Maui Fields]].+With the gondola system, it has access to several other towns, but the only other entrance that has access to Snowport is only through [[world:Snowport Caverns]].
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world/snowport.1598616391.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/08/28 12:06 by fiakaiera