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world:patiencia [2019/11/06 17:43]
fiakaiera organized resident list
world:patiencia [2020/09/05 23:14] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-{{t>i:location +{{wst>:i:location
 | owner      = [[user>fiaKaiera]] | owner      = [[user>fiaKaiera]]
Line 15: Line 14:
 | loc-type   = Settlement -- Town | loc-type   = Settlement -- Town
-| continent  = [[world:crescentalia\|{{world:crescentalia_banner.png?16\|Crescentalia\}\}]] [[world:crescentalia\|Crescentalia]] +| continent  = [[world:crescentalia\|{{world:crescentalia_banner.png?16\|Crescentalia}}]] [[world:crescentalia\|Crescentalia]]
 }} }}
Line 107: Line 105:
 <div box> <div box>
 ==== Residents ==== ==== Residents ====
-{{t>t:typyl chartile+{{wst>typyl worldtile
 | image = mugs:blank.png | image = mugs:blank.png
-| name  = C'uuma | sub = &nbsp;}} +| name  = C'uuma}} 
-{{t>t:typyl chartile +{{wst>typyl worldtile
-| image = mugs:por.png +
-| name  = Por Privanne | sub = &nbsp;}} +
-{{t>t:typyl chartile+
 | image = mugs:i_ruby.png | image = mugs:i_ruby.png
-| name  = Ruby Ramire | sub = &nbsp;}} +| name  = Ruby Ramire}} 
-{{t>t:typyl chartile+{{wst>typyl worldtile
 | image = mugs:blank.png | image = mugs:blank.png
-| name  = Toppa Ciege | sub = &nbsp;}}+| name  = Toppa Ciege}}
 </div> </div>
 <div box> <div box>
 ==== Antecedents ==== ==== Antecedents ====
-{{t>t:typyl chartile+{{wst>typyl worldtile
 | image = mugs:six.png | image = mugs:six.png
-| name  = Six Avid | sub = &nbsp;}} +| name  = Six Avid}} 
-{{t>t:typyl chartile+{{wst>typyl worldtile
 | image = mugs:kaiera.png | image = mugs:kaiera.png
-| name  = Kaiera L'Heart | sub = &nbsp;}} +| name  = Kaiera L'Heart}} 
-{{t>t:typyl chartile+{{wst>typyl worldtile
 | image = mugs:issa.png | image = mugs:issa.png
-| name  = Issa Asbat | sub = &nbsp;}} +| name  = Issa Asbat}} 
-{{t>t:typyl chartile+{{wst>typyl worldtile
 | image = mugs:i_jubei.png | image = mugs:i_jubei.png
-| name  = Jubei Diablo | sub = &nbsp;}} +| name  = Jubei Diablo}} 
-{{t>t:typyl chartile+{{wst>typyl worldtile
 | image = mugs:levien.png | image = mugs:levien.png
-| name  = Levien Savis | sub = &nbsp;}} +| name  = Levien Savis}} 
-{{t>t:typyl chartile+{{wst>typyl worldtile
 | image = mugs:nona.png | image = mugs:nona.png
-| name  = Nona Ascin | sub = &nbsp;}} +| name  = Nona Ascin}} 
-{{t>t:typyl chartile+{{wst>typyl worldtile
 | image = mugs:i_husky.png | image = mugs:i_husky.png
-| name  = Pacem | sub = &nbsp;}} +| name  = Pacem}} 
-{{t>t:typyl chartile+{{wst>typyl worldtile
 | image = mugs:i_rio.png | image = mugs:i_rio.png
-| name  = Rio Otun | sub = &nbsp;}} +| name  = Rio Otun}} 
-{{t>t:typyl chartile+{{wst>typyl worldtile
 | image = mugs:blank.png | image = mugs:blank.png
-| name  = Robin | sub = &nbsp;}} +| name  = Robin}} 
-{{t>t:typyl chartile+{{wst>typyl worldtile
 | image = mugs:roel.png | image = mugs:roel.png
-| name  = Roel Ascin | sub = &nbsp;}} +| name  = Roel Ascin}} 
-{{t>t:typyl chartile+{{wst>typyl worldtile
 | image = mugs:sirris.png | image = mugs:sirris.png
-| name  = Sirris Mav | sub = &nbsp;}} +| name  = Sirris Mav}} 
-{{t>t:typyl chartile+{{wst>typyl worldtile
 | image = mugs:i_shadic.png | image = mugs:i_shadic.png
-| name  = Shadic Electrois | sub = &nbsp;}} +| name  = Shadic Electrois}} 
-{{t>t:typyl chartile+{{wst>typyl worldtile
 | image = mugs:i_tamashii.png | image = mugs:i_tamashii.png
-| name  = Tamashii | sub = &nbsp;}}+| name  = Tamashii}}
 </div> </div>
 </div> </div>
Line 171: Line 166:
     * **Al De Baran**     * **Al De Baran**
world/patiencia.1573062221.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/06 17:43 by fiakaiera