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world:moons [2019/11/15 18:41]
fiakaiera created (incomplete)
world:moons [2020/06/04 19:03] (current)
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 {{  world:amaisa banner.png?100&nolink}} {{  world:amaisa banner.png?100&nolink}}
 > //**Main Article:** [[world:amaisa|Amaisa]]// > //**Main Article:** [[world:amaisa|Amaisa]]//
-**Eosphoros** is the **Moon of Wealth**. +**Amaisa** is the **Moon of Wealth**. Amaisa's land wildly varies as it constantly shifts around, constantly generating new material for everyone to collect and use as for their own
 +The land will always have a rich amount of varying ores and crystals that mostly found in Fiagia. However, the constant shifting ground will always make it challenging for those who harvest these materials. It is always a challenge to traverse the ever shifting lands of Amaisa both above and underground as the most experienced and challenged only traverse Amaisa, as often people will get trapped. This is why most settlements are found in the air. 
 +Due to the vast majority of the land, there will always be competition for those who harvest and trade is always thriving to those who live in the land, provided those tho supply are capable.
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 {{  world:derosela banner.png?100&nolink}} {{  world:derosela banner.png?100&nolink}}
 > //**Main Article:** [[world:derosela|Derosela]]// > //**Main Article:** [[world:derosela|Derosela]]//
-**Eosphoros** is the **Moon of Fields**. +**Derosela** is the **Moon of Fields**. A once desolate uninhabited hostile land, the moon has been a place for settlements and large buildings, area-wide research and experiments
 +The land in Derosela is mostly barren and mostly lacks in resources. Hostile creatures found in Derosela are constantly agile and the soil is not as fertile for cultivation, which proves expanding in Derosela a challenge.
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 {{  world:eosphoros banner.png?100&nolink}} {{  world:eosphoros banner.png?100&nolink}}
 > //**Main Article:** [[world:eosphoros|Eosphoros]]// > //**Main Article:** [[world:eosphoros|Eosphoros]]//
-**Eosphoros** is the **Moon of Light**. +**Eosphoros** is the **Moon of Light**. Previously known as "Erigenia", it is a moon thriving with altered plantations similar to Fiagia but its landmass are sparse, covered in steep edges of slightly glowing sea and void filled inside a near white sky during the day and a dark red at night. The void itself is a glowing [[world:leycore|leycore]]
 +Transport between land prevails with bridges, phantasmal rails, wind tunnels and transport on water. Experienced travelers will use a plethora of dynamic methods of transportation should they traverse through the land.
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 {{  world:fauna banner.png?100&nolink}} {{  world:fauna banner.png?100&nolink}}
 > //**Main Article:** [[world:fauna|Fauna]]// > //**Main Article:** [[world:fauna|Fauna]]//
-**Eosphoros** is the **Moon of Nature**. +**Fauna** is the **Moon of Nature**. All grown from one mutated tree, this tree has endlessly expanded throughout the whole moon, covering all of it. Supported by branches and vines, the moon offers a unique setting not normally seen in Fiagia and its other moons
 +The tree itself has lasted for hundreds of years and has no signs of withering, as if the tree is the core itself. What prevents the expansion of the tree going outside of the moon is the ever present [[world:leysky|leysky]], keeping it down. 
 +Winds in Fauna is constant and unending, but not always powerful enough to topple structures and settlements down.
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     * These words being: Amass, Desolate, Phosphor, Fauna     * These words being: Amass, Desolate, Phosphor, Fauna
world/moons.1573843302.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/15 18:41 by fiakaiera