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owner = [[user>last6x]] | name-glyph = [si]x Avid | name-full = Eli "Six" Avid | name-first = Eli | name-last = Avid | disp-class = [[class:Furrial]] | image = http://via.placeholder.com/250x400?.png | art-credit = placeholder.com | aspect1 = :nox: | aspect2 = :mors: | aspect3 = :vox: | nature1 = Hasty | nature2 = Proud | typ-type = Wolf-type | typ-fam = Canid-fam | comp-hand = Fivs (5) | comp-foot = Fivs (5) | comp-form = Humno (H) | physiq = ♂ Male | orient = Male | hatchday = Febua 18th | hatchsign = ♒ Aquarius | arcana = VII -- Chariot | str-res = 1 | sor-def = 5 | spd-vit = 3

Eli "Six" Avid

Eli “Six” Avid is a recurring character in Furria. He is a member of the Furria Guild, working on quests at his hometown of Port Town Patience.

Six is a representative of the people that undergo human transference, representing the user last6x.

Additional Info

  • Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Myers-Briggs Type: FIXME
  • Handedness: Right-handed
  • Suits Affiliation: Double – ♦ Diamonds / ♣ Clubs
  • Chess Affiliation: Double – ♞ Knight / ♜ Rook
  • Average Height Scale: 0.653x
  • Colors
    • Inner: Natural
    • Aura: Black
    • Eye: Silver
    • Pigments:
      • Primary: Gray
      • Secondary: Silver
  • Battle Role: Speed DPS
  • Weapon Type of Choice: Blades, Scythes
  • Specific Weapon of Choice: Guitar-scythe






Before Furria

Before transitioning through human transferrence, he was an aspiring guitarist early on before taking on law. He started out aligned with light at first but ultimately sided with darkness as he aged, and is further improvised with the concept of law, acting upon judgement of right or wrong. He takes on this idea further when going to Furria.






typyl/six_avid.1516910563.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/25 20:02 by fiakaiera