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series:project_hac [2018/07/02 22:55]
fiakaiera added location to the concept
series:project_hac [2020/06/04 19:03] (current)
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 [{{  culture:hac original all 60.png  |The original 60 members of the HAC}}] [{{  culture:hac original all 60.png  |The original 60 members of the HAC}}]
-{{t>i:furria oldseries+{{wst>:i:furria oldseries
 | title = Project: Hidden Anthropomorphic Compound | title = Project: Hidden Anthropomorphic Compound
 | time  = 2009 --- 2013 | time  = 2009 --- 2013
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 The **Project: Hidden Anthropomorphic Compound** is a [[wp>slice of life]] comic concept made by [[user>fiaKaiera]],  a fragment of [[series:elemental x|Elemental X]] where sixty participants volunteered to join a project where each of the participants secretly go through an experiment that successfully changes them into [[wp>anthropomorphism|anthropomorphic animals]] and lives out their days as one group for an unspecified span of time. The **Project: Hidden Anthropomorphic Compound** is a [[wp>slice of life]] comic concept made by [[user>fiaKaiera]],  a fragment of [[series:elemental x|Elemental X]] where sixty participants volunteered to join a project where each of the participants secretly go through an experiment that successfully changes them into [[wp>anthropomorphism|anthropomorphic animals]] and lives out their days as one group for an unspecified span of time.
-The series was planned by a teenaged fiaKaiera, but never actually came into fruition. The series is later on incorporated into [[:furria|Furria]], being the sole reason for causing the [[culture:saviand anomaly|Saviand Anomaly]], starting the series timeline and causing [[culture:antecedence|Antecedence]] to be possible.+The series was planned by a teenaged fiaKaiera, but never actually came into fruition. The concept is later on reimagined and incorporated into [[:furria|Furria]], being the sole reason for causing the [[culture:saviand anomaly|Saviand Anomaly]], starting the series timeline and causing [[culture:antecedence|Antecedence]] to be possible.
series/project_hac.1530572133.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/07/02 22:55 by fiakaiera