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series:project_hac [2018/07/02 22:45]
fiakaiera created
series:project_hac [2020/06/04 19:03] (current)
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 [{{  culture:hac original all 60.png  |The original 60 members of the HAC}}] [{{  culture:hac original all 60.png  |The original 60 members of the HAC}}]
-{{t>i:furria oldseries+{{wst>:i:furria oldseries
 | title = Project: Hidden Anthropomorphic Compound | title = Project: Hidden Anthropomorphic Compound
 | time  = 2009 --- 2013 | time  = 2009 --- 2013
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 The **Project: Hidden Anthropomorphic Compound** is a [[wp>slice of life]] comic concept made by [[user>fiaKaiera]],  a fragment of [[series:elemental x|Elemental X]] where sixty participants volunteered to join a project where each of the participants secretly go through an experiment that successfully changes them into [[wp>anthropomorphism|anthropomorphic animals]] and lives out their days as one group for an unspecified span of time. The **Project: Hidden Anthropomorphic Compound** is a [[wp>slice of life]] comic concept made by [[user>fiaKaiera]],  a fragment of [[series:elemental x|Elemental X]] where sixty participants volunteered to join a project where each of the participants secretly go through an experiment that successfully changes them into [[wp>anthropomorphism|anthropomorphic animals]] and lives out their days as one group for an unspecified span of time.
-The series was planned by a teenaged fiaKaiera, but never actually came into fruition. The series is later on incorporated into [[:furria|Furria]], being the sole reason for causing the [[culture:saviand anomaly|Saviand Anomaly]], starting the series timeline and causing [[culture:antecedence|Antecedence]] to be possible.+The series was planned by a teenaged fiaKaiera, but never actually came into fruition. The concept is later on reimagined and incorporated into [[:furria|Furria]], being the sole reason for causing the [[culture:saviand anomaly|Saviand Anomaly]], starting the series timeline and causing [[culture:antecedence|Antecedence]] to be possible.
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 This leads to them the HAC, fully reformed as an anthropomorphic animal of their choice. The concepts cuts off from there. This leads to them the HAC, fully reformed as an anthropomorphic animal of their choice. The concepts cuts off from there.
 +As for the compound itself, the location is a rectangle-shaped open space with houses placed on the sides that serves as the home for the participants and is divided among them, with a section extended for more recreational and functional activities.
 ==== Attempt 2 ==== ==== Attempt 2 ====
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 The story of Snare knowing all of the HAC has stemed from this concept, where he is forced to make a choice to wipe his memory going to the HAC. The story of Snare knowing all of the HAC has stemed from this concept, where he is forced to make a choice to wipe his memory going to the HAC.
 +The compound is the same but slightly altered to add more places of relaxation and environments for the betterment of its participants, such as a garden, a forest nearby, the center of the open-area being more park-like, a stage, a meeting area, a swimming pool and a hot spring.
 ===== Participants of the HAC ===== ===== Participants of the HAC =====
series/project_hac.1530571556.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/07/02 22:45 by fiakaiera