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sav:kentaro_terre [2018/11/15 16:29]
shesh created from typyl/kentaro_terre
sav:kentaro_terre [2020/06/04 19:03] (current)
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 | mug         = i_kentaro | mug         = i_kentaro
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 He takes the key at the stall of the HAC, knowing that this is the choice he made and he cannot look back. Along with the decision and Ino taking the lead, Issa followed suit in joining the HAC project. He takes the key at the stall of the HAC, knowing that this is the choice he made and he cannot look back. Along with the decision and Ino taking the lead, Issa followed suit in joining the HAC project.
 +He was categorized into Set 1-4, #04 of the Typyl on the transport to the HAC. 
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-{{t>f:sav profile}}+{{wst>:f:presav profiles}}
sav/kentaro_terre.1542299347.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/11/15 16:29 by shesh