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sav:issa_colla [2018/11/15 16:55]
shesh created
sav:issa_colla [2020/06/04 19:03] (current)
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 | mug         = i_issa2 | mug         = i_issa2
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 His parents are surprised to hear his offer on partaking in the HAC for research. With Issa thinking that he would be denied, to his shock his parents agreed since they themselves try to give new knowledge to the world through research. As long as it advances the world, he can take it. With no doubt, Issa took the key, only to find out [[typyl:kentaro_terre|Kentaro]] and [[typyl:ino_palta|Ino]] has taken one as well. His parents are surprised to hear his offer on partaking in the HAC for research. With Issa thinking that he would be denied, to his shock his parents agreed since they themselves try to give new knowledge to the world through research. As long as it advances the world, he can take it. With no doubt, Issa took the key, only to find out [[typyl:kentaro_terre|Kentaro]] and [[typyl:ino_palta|Ino]] has taken one as well.
 +Hee was categorized into Set 1-5, #05 of the Typyl on the transport to the HAC. 
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sav/issa_colla.1542300957.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/11/15 16:55 by shesh