sav:issa_colla backlinks history

Presav Caelum :caelum:

Issa Colla
Issa Colla

Guidance of Climate
Assigned Aspect
:caelum: Caelum
H.A.C RoleWeatherman

Issa Colla

Character Information: Typyl / Issa Colla

Role as Sav

Issa does weather forecasting, observation and research. With the proper tools given to him, he figured out how to give an almost accurate observation to the surrounding weather inside and outside the compound. Because of this, he announces weather forecasts and would like to give suggestions when is the right time and weather to do certain actions.

Initiation Story

Should this character's full story be presented in FURRIA SERIES -Sav-, this has been placed under spoilers.

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Full Story

Unlike his best friends Kentaro and Ino who wanted to partake in the H.A.C. project to take a spin on their lives, Issa decides to take the H.A.C. for a different purpose.

Never Issa could have thought that he would have a better chance of using weather analysis tools if he took the H.A.C. With his fascination of weather he cannot avoid the thought of exploring different climates and weather that other places outside of his place have to offer. Though, this has taken him to resent since he will be disconnected from his family.

His parents are surprised to hear his offer on partaking in the HAC for research. With Issa thinking that he would be denied, to his shock his parents agreed since they themselves try to give new knowledge to the world through research. As long as it advances the world, he can take it. With no doubt, Issa took the key, only to find out Kentaro and Ino has taken one as well.

Hee was categorized into Set 1-5, #05 of the Typyl on the transport to the HAC.

sav/issa_colla.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/04 19:03 (external edit)