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sav:heilao [2018/07/26 04:59]
fiakaiera fixed aspects link to aspect
sav:heilao [2020/06/04 19:03] (current)
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 | mug         = heilao | mug         = heilao
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 > **Character Information:** [[typyl:heilao|Typyl / Heilao]] > **Character Information:** [[typyl:heilao|Typyl / Heilao]]
 **Heilao** is one of the few chosen [[class:sav|Sav]], representing the aspect :duplico: [[aspect:duplico|Duplico]] and hails from the [[world:naiea|Clear Swamp Naiea]], found in the marshes of :quailyn: [[world:quailyn|Quailyn]]. **Heilao** is one of the few chosen [[class:sav|Sav]], representing the aspect :duplico: [[aspect:duplico|Duplico]] and hails from the [[world:naiea|Clear Swamp Naiea]], found in the marshes of :quailyn: [[world:quailyn|Quailyn]].
-<span info> For more information of Heilao as a typyl, visit his [[typyl:heilao|wiki/typyl]] page.</span> 
 ===== Role as Sav ===== ===== Role as Sav =====
-FIXME+Heilao is doing research on the purification of [[culture:flux]] and finding efficient ways to achieve it along with reversal of effects that stems out from them. He goes about testing out scenarios to purify flux and personally goes to corrupted areas himself to do actual observation. 
 +This is all in assistance to help recover his hometown Naiea, even inside and outside of his role as a Sav. 
 +==== Furria Guild ==== 
 +Heilao never takes on any duties by himself, only taking on duties where his expertise is needed, often times offering the tasks himself instead of taking them. Should he take on a task on his own, it is often related to his research and would like to do them simulataneously. 
 +He mainly provides detailed information on navigation in terms of routing and will often send his sorcia made tiles to assist in providing protection for the party as he himself must be left out due to the nature of his weapon. 
 +Heilao commonly offers research tasks dotted around Fiagia, mainly within [[world:saviand|Saviand]] and [[world:quailyn|Quailyn]] to further investigate flux and its nature. Due to these offerings being related about flux, these often end up being highly ranked.
 ===== Initiation Story ===== ===== Initiation Story =====
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 But one day, the river stopped. The cycle was broken, and Naeia flowed, not around in its safe circle, but into a stagnant lake, once pure turned marsh due to the nature of the anomaly, where they were instantly beset upon by lifeless, crooked serpents and beasts... But one day, the river stopped. The cycle was broken, and Naeia flowed, not around in its safe circle, but into a stagnant lake, once pure turned marsh due to the nature of the anomaly, where they were instantly beset upon by lifeless, crooked serpents and beasts...
-They would have been taken over quickly, with no defenses or fortifications, until Heilao, a lone oprhan started to defend for his only home in desparation to prove himself despite this age and rose up, with their brilliant mind and began to guide them.+They would have been taken over quickly, with no defenses or fortifications, until Heilao, a lone oprhan started to defend for his only home in desperation to prove himself despite this age and rose up, with their brilliant mind and began to guide them.
 Though barely past being a guppy, he commanded with the skill of a general and wits of a tactician. Using his and his allies' skill he created as many planks as they could. However, even armed with bows, blades and spears. They could not keep them back forever. Though barely past being a guppy, he commanded with the skill of a general and wits of a tactician. Using his and his allies' skill he created as many planks as they could. However, even armed with bows, blades and spears. They could not keep them back forever.
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sav/heilao.1532581198.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/07/26 04:59 by fiakaiera