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sav:chico_taim [2018/08/22 05:21]
shesh created from oc. TODO: Expand on the Role (Ideas, just need to write them down)
sav:chico_taim [2020/06/04 19:03] (current)
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 | mug         = i_chico | mug         = i_chico
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 ===== Role as Presav ===== ===== Role as Presav =====
-In the HAC, Chico is the one responsible for checking in food supply, as well as the growth of plants in the HAC compound, giving her the role of Gardener. FIXME+In the HAC, Chico is the one responsible for checking in food supply, as well as the growth of plants in the HAC compound, giving her the role of Gardener. 
 +This role has her doing plant life preservation, so that any food sources they discover don't go extinct through overuse. This preservation also includes the seeds and plant life they brought over from the other world. She studies how each plant affects the soil to ensure that planting the plants from the other world won't decimate the soil or be an invasive plant species. Along with preservation is creation, by combining the new seeds and sprouts with the old from before. She is able to make grafts of new tasting fruits and grains for the chef to experiment with.
 ===== Reason in the HAC ===== ===== Reason in the HAC =====
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 Before taking a key to participate at the stall for the HAC, he requests that if he can have his gender changed to further contrast him among the group of participants and complied to his gender to be changed. Before going to the transport to the HAC, she donned a light tomboyish look so others would not look likely to her, in which failed afterwards. Before taking a key to participate at the stall for the HAC, he requests that if he can have his gender changed to further contrast him among the group of participants and complied to his gender to be changed. Before going to the transport to the HAC, she donned a light tomboyish look so others would not look likely to her, in which failed afterwards.
 +She was categorized into Set 1-3, #03 of the Typyl on the transport to the HAC. 
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-{{t>f:presav profile}}+{{wst>:f:presav profile}}
sav/chico_taim.1534915314.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/08/22 05:21 by shesh