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Pera Operus
Pera Operus




Character by pany

Artist Credit: pany




Furrial Display Class
Aurica Omniwiel



Stoic Observant
Physique ♂ Male
Hatchday Juia 4th / ♋ Cancer
Arcana XIV – Temperance
Quant (4)
Quant (4)
Humno (H)
Stat Balance

Pera Operus

Pera Operus is an unofficial WIP character in Furria. he's a wandering wolf mercenary that has very respectable records. he is good at working alone although he makes a great colleague. specialized in research tasks, however, there's a rumor that he is the best black task taker in the Furria Guild

Pera Operus is one of the humans that went through antecedence representing the user Pany.

Additional Info

  • Nickname/s: Perus
  • Pronouns: He/Him
  • Age: 17
  • Title: “Wandering Tactician”
  • Hometown: unknown
  • Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • 16-P Type: Architect INTJ
  • Suits Affiliation: ♦ Diamonds
  • Chess Affiliation: ♜ Rook
  • Average Height Scale: 0.985
  • Handedness: Right-handed
  • Colors
    • Inner:

    • Aura:


    • Eye:
      • #749be5

      • #6b7fe6

    • Pigments:
      • #eeebfe

      • #ffffff

      • #cebef3

        Ears and Paws
  • Battle Role: Dart Exploiter
  • Weapon Type of Choice: 2H Gun 2H Gun, Pendulum Pendulum and,AT Gloves AT Gloves
  • Specific Weapon of Choice:
    • 2H Gun Aspect adept rifle
    • AT Gloves twin drive Gloves
    • Pendulum Future fracture pendulum


Pera Operus is a high-level mercenary. he usually can be spotted in Patiencia Library if he isn't on any task. despite his tough-looking equipment, he's calm and collected.

he spends time tweaking and refining his weapons in the most secluded part of Patiencia Library. outside of his professional records, nobody really knows him. aside from he is a white-ish wolf-type with blue eyes. there is a rumor that he is secretly chasing an underground organization called “nil wolf” by taking black tasks.


Perus is an introvert with great observation skills. he may try to hide his soft-side through professionalism and stoic expression. logic and reasoning are his bread; connection with others is his butter. with those two, he is unbreakable. However, time has proven that he can survive with only his bread.

Unfortunately, that results in his withdrawal of social interaction. Despite all his unfriendly aura, Perus is actually quite interactable and trustworthy. he is super loyal to his close friends and genuinely care about them. lastly, you might find him too straightforward sometimes. he just can't physically lie to his friend without acting strangely.


perus currently live in an ordinary normal house near Patiencia library. he was a quiet wolf-type on the campus. interestingly, he shows high close combat potential during the self-defense class. and he loves learning about Sorcia, especially one that relates to the interworking of space and time. unlike his close combat skill, his Sorcia ability is quite below the average despite his force level is unparallel.

During his time on the campus. he made a close friend. she was the class ace and show the same interest in space and time as perus. they both became close friends quickly. she created future fracture Pendulums. the pendulum allows the user to split the timeline into different possibilities and live through it. unfortunately, with great power comes great risk, she was kidnaped and her traces were erased. Perus saw the whole situation unfold but unable to fight back and save his closest friend. he was not strong enough to make any difference. that day forth, he trains and studies sorcia to get stronger. he finds what he has lost, no matter what is the cost.

For his pendulum, he created through the blueprint that his friend gave it to him. not 100% complete but still usable, his version of the future fracture pendulum is nothing like the original in terms of appearance.


Close quarter combat

one of his combat techniques, CQC. he exceptionally good at it. he is capable of disarming, takedown, neutralize well-trained enemies in a matter of second. For a tougher opponent, he can compensate the power difference with his tactical glove. With his sorica expertise.

He is able to channel elemental aspects into his gloves to create simple sorica effects that can adjust for different situations. From time to time, he may try to use two different element sorica and create interesting effects that aid him in the heat of battle greatly.


His favorite weapon and his greatest invention, Aspect adept rifle, is capable of adapting to any situation as the name suggests. the rifle is capable of adjusting firepower,fire-rate, and spread pattern. Furthermore, He created the rifle with aspect-infused metal. This magic-made rifle is so compatible with ballistic sorica that it reduces forces required and increase the effectiveness for free. With this rifle, he can engage any target from point-blank range and sniping range. the only limitation of his superior marksmanship is ammunition. Sometimes it just ran out. and he has to improvise.


Sorcia is like a math equation for Perus. he can manipulate it freely within the set of rules of course. given enough time and the right equipment, he can make the impossible, possible. For example, two of his equipment, the rifle, and the gloves, both can be de-materialized into waveforms at his will. He can summon them back at any time or any places near him. with Aetas mastery, Perus can slow down time, bend space, and create a small pocket dimension size of a closet. his aetas sorcia has a problem. they are too potent and have a very short duration.

With mastery of Vis :vis: and Ferro :ferro:, Perus created Aspect cartridges. they can use for storing a considerable amount of aspects for later use. Furthermore, he slightly modifies them into an explosive or ammunition for his equipment. there's a limitation to this gadget which is he can only carry ten cartridges at the same time. More than that, he has to keep them in his pocket dimension and that is a big inconvenience.


He doesn't have any at the moment


oc/pany/pera_operus.1605086397.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/11 09:19 by pany