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 With mastery of Aetas:aetas: combining with other aspects, he can create barriers. Sometimes, he uses them as platforms or walls to create more movement options. He can stack them together to amplify the effects to a critical level with the help of Amplius :amplius: and  Duplico :duplico: Moreover, he likes to use Velox :velox: for increasing his physical power. With mastery of Aetas:aetas: combining with other aspects, he can create barriers. Sometimes, he uses them as platforms or walls to create more movement options. He can stack them together to amplify the effects to a critical level with the help of Amplius :amplius: and  Duplico :duplico: Moreover, he likes to use Velox :velox: for increasing his physical power.
-For Ferro :ferro: and Vis :vis: mastery, he created a new metal alloy called Tithumium. It's extremely durable, malleable, and has high Sorcia potential. He carries them around like a scarf and the alloy has many uses such as acting like a blade or a Barrier. However he doesn't like to utilize it with his Ferro aspect ability for some reason.+For Ferro :ferro: and Vis :vis: mastery, he created a new metal alloy called Tithumium. It's extremely durable, malleable, and has high Sorcia potential. He carries them around like a scarf and the alloy has many uses such as acting like a blade or a Barrier. However he doesn't like to utilize it with his Ferro aspect ability for some personal reason.
 In very dire situations, he may use his ultimate sorcia move, **Silver serpent strike**. Perus utilizes all of his main aspects and some additional aspects. He reconstructs his scarf into a silver metallic serpent through his magnetism power. The metallic serpent can come in many sizes or numbers and it may have elemental attributes depends on what aspects are infused into it. The move may sound flashy but it can be used in an unexpected way. For example, Perus can create a very small Silver serpent and command it to invade the target's body, acting as a magical parasite.         In very dire situations, he may use his ultimate sorcia move, **Silver serpent strike**. Perus utilizes all of his main aspects and some additional aspects. He reconstructs his scarf into a silver metallic serpent through his magnetism power. The metallic serpent can come in many sizes or numbers and it may have elemental attributes depends on what aspects are infused into it. The move may sound flashy but it can be used in an unexpected way. For example, Perus can create a very small Silver serpent and command it to invade the target's body, acting as a magical parasite.        
oc/pany/pera_operus.1606055867.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/11/22 14:37 by pany