grn Salido Giivern |
Salido Giivern
Salido Giivern is an unofficial character created for Furria. He is currently the captain of Aeros Airlines ship called the Whirlwind and the CEO of Aeros Airlines.
Additional Info
- Nickname/s: (Pending)
- Pronouns: He/him
- Age: 22
- Title: Aeros CEO
- Moral Alignment: Lawful Neutral
- 16-P Type: Executive
- Suits Affiliation: ♦ Diamonds
- Chess Affiliation: ♔ King
- Average Height Scale: 1.152x
- Handedness: Right-handed
- Colours
- Inner:
Natural - Aura:
▮ #450082
Indigo - Eye:
▮ #131520
Schlera: Midnight Express▮ #D643EE
Iris: Blue Violet▮ #131520
Pupil: Midnight Express
- Pigments:
▮ #2C2C2C
Primary: Nero▮ #450082
Ears & Nose: Indigo▮ #1F2335
Wings: Bunting▮ #F7BD00
Accents: Golden Poppy
- Battle Role: Adaptable
- Weapon Type of Choice:
- Specific Weapon of Choice: Sorar Ring
Salido Giivern runs the transportation and shipping company Aeros Airlines, which is based in the continent of Uphaval. The airline provides people with easy travel from island to island provided those islands have a location to dock the airships. The company also transports supplies, materials, and food, though as with every business, these services come with a price. As CEO of the airline, Giivern oversees how the company is run and makes decisions for the company’s costs and future. Despite this, he still pilots airships for enjoyment, primarily his main airship, the Whirlwind, which bears the Sorar Ring’s insignia alongside the standard Aeros logo.
While Giivern’s position often doesn’t allow for much free time, he can still be found practising his sorcia, mainly to test out the dramatic flair he often uses in his speeches and day-to-day life.
Giivern is usually found within his own airship, the Whirlwind, Aeros Airlines’ centre of operations, the airship named Syndicate, or the Skyscanner airship. While all ships travel throughout Uphaval within the company’s operating range, they can often be seen docked at various ports.
Giivern is quite sociable as one needs to be leading a company, often talking to employees regarding company matters. Giivern often tries to upkeep a professional attitude even to the point of still talking formally even when the conversation isn't about business.
Giivern often has a dramatic flair when talking, often deriving much enjoyment by using Telekinesis in his speeches and conversations to demonstrate points, for better clarification or just giving certain moments an extra impact. This sometimes can make Giivern very intimidating to talk to though most of his closer employees are used to his antics and often remain unphased much to Giivern's disappointment.
Giivern has a rather large distaste towards battling, seeing the practise as barbaric. Giivern often tends to end fights as fast as possible if caught in one, trying to encase an opponent in debris to force them into a conversation and negotiations.
Salido Giivern was born and raised in Vol'Tairga. Giivern, when still young, would come across the Sorar Ring on the street pavement near an abandoned house which he would later learn to use to control his sorcia. Living a rather ordinary, albeit privileged, life in the midman’s layer, Giivern would come to work as an airship pilot, transporting people around Maahst. However after a while, ambitions to start up an influential airship business proved to be unsuccessful due to competition in Vol'Tairga and thus Giivern moved to
Uphaval, hoping to capitalise on his efforts there. Salido has also taken to transporting goods from other regions into
Uphaval, sometimes making huge deliveries to small settlements.
Giivern more commonly uses his skills outside of combat for a wide array of uses. These skills however are currently almost completely reliant on a magical focusing ring that Giivern refers to as a Sorar Ring which while boosting their power, leaves Giivern pretty much without access to said powers if he were to loose the ring or if the ring were to get destroyed or damaged. In battle, Giivern relies on the environment around him to manipulate for a wide array of uses. The most common of which are using larger objects to block attacks (mainly ranged), propelling objects at foes for damage and stopping other physical projectiles in mid air. There are limits however as Giivern has distinctly had issues with manipulating animate objects and opposing magic and thus has resorted to other indirect ways to get around these complications.
While it is a passive effect that is very hard to tap into normally, via the magical focusing properties of the Sorar Ring, (worn on the right ring finger) the power can be fully controlled and is rather strong. Harnessing the aspects of :vello: Vello, to change gravity, :impero: Impero, for much greater control over the power, and :velox: Velox for greater speed and manoeuvrability, Giivern has great general control on all objects. While not specialising in objects or concepts to effect, the general power of the ability allows many inanimate objects to be affected, though this ability can be overwhelmed against more specific skill sets that are more specialised. It is used both within battle and outside of it due to the many possible ways the power can be used depending on the objects and intent
While not used for much other than for dodging attacks, Giivern's reliance on blocking attacks often leads to them being too slow to actually dodge an attack if it goes unblocked, leaving this power basically purely for looks. This power is only used with Giivern being the target due to a lack of interest in honing the power further. It requires the focusing properties of the Sorar ring to work.
Sorar Ring
Originally being found when Giivern was just a child lying on the street pavement, the Sorar Ring has never been parted with willingly since. The ring gives far more control over Sorcia, however it also has a bit of a habit of misbehaving when doing certain tasks or intents, suggesting some element of sentience. While morality does not seem to matter too much for the ring as it has both denied morally good and bad sorcia intents and allowed others of the same nature, it does seem to dislike certain tasks, including using sorcia directly on living beings and bizarrely, littering and metal work. When worn, the ring amplifies the user's own sorcia with it's own to give the user's far greater control over the sorcia itself, it's usage being signified with a glow, the brighter the light the more energy and Sorcia being used. The Sorar ring tends to reject certain wearers seeming to prefer more neutral moralities however there have been exceptions to this. The ring does not appear to be more resistant to damage then a normal ring though Giivern hasn't allowed anyone to confirm this hypothesis for obvious reasons.
Giivern has become a bit too used to the ring's amplification and often cannot adjust to using his sorcia without it if the ring were to be removed in time, leading to removing the ring being a good way to pacify his sorcia skills provided he cannot readjust his methods, though this has yet to happen so far as he as often retaken the ring instead before being able to reawaken his non-ring sorcia powers.
[This might not be the right place to put this but idk]
Other Relationships
- Markiplier from the video ‘DAMIEN’ [Not the same as the actual YouTuber] - Speaking mannerisms and the whole scheming gentleman thing.
- Ebony Maw - Telekinetic powers and fighting style.