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guide:typyl_antecedence [2019/05/24 02:35]
shadicozzy Grammar Fixes
guide:typyl_antecedence [2020/06/04 19:03] (current)
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 ====== ๐Ÿ”ฐ Typyl: Antecedence ====== ====== ๐Ÿ”ฐ Typyl: Antecedence ======
-{{t>t:typyl guide nav|name = top}}+{{wst>typyl guide nav|name = top}}
 > **Last Updated:** --- //[[user:fiakaiera]] 2019/05/23 11:16// > **Last Updated:** --- //[[user:fiakaiera]] 2019/05/23 11:16//
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 Should you want to go in-depth knowing more about Antecedence and its lore, [[culture:antecedence|please check the culture page about Antecedence.]] Should you want to go in-depth knowing more about Antecedence and its lore, [[culture:antecedence|please check the culture page about Antecedence.]]
-<div tip>**This means the process of antecedence are only for characters who represent their authors.**\\ This makes sure that the ones who made their own Typyl persona had a reason to represent in the series. If the character is an antecedent AND does not represent their author, they are not official.+<div tip>**This means the process of antecedence are only for characters who represent their authors.**\\ This makes sure that the ones who made their own Typyl persona had a reason to represent in the series. If the character is an antecedent and does not represent their author, they are not official.
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 The only exception for this is the [[class:presav|Presav]], which is the reason that caused antecedence to take place. ((**From [[culture:hidden_anthropomorphic_compound]]:** This is cirumvented due to the nature of the multiverse theory, with its already unnatural process of going to Furria in the first place, with the H.A.C. coming from one universe and the antecedents the other --- //[[user:fiakaiera]] 2018/07/03 08:27//)) The only exception for this is the [[class:presav|Presav]], which is the reason that caused antecedence to take place. ((**From [[culture:hidden_anthropomorphic_compound]]:** This is cirumvented due to the nature of the multiverse theory, with its already unnatural process of going to Furria in the first place, with the H.A.C. coming from one universe and the antecedents the other --- //[[user:fiakaiera]] 2018/07/03 08:27//))
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-{{t>f:guide typyl}}+{{wst>:f:guide typyl}}
guide/typyl_antecedence.1558665344.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/05/24 02:35 by shadicozzy