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guide:oc [2020/09/05 05:38]
fiakaiera updated benefits
guide:oc [2020/09/05 05:58] (current)
fiakaiera finished page
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-<div alert>**This page is still not complete.** Please come back later. 
-<div rightalign> --- //[[user:fiakaiera]] 2020/09/05 05:37//</div></div> 
 ====== ๐Ÿ”ฐ OC Pages ====== ====== ๐Ÿ”ฐ OC Pages ======
 [{{  typyl:mugs:blank.png?200| Default Typyl Mugshot}}] [{{  typyl:mugs:blank.png?200| Default Typyl Mugshot}}]
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   * WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get)   * WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get)
   * Can also be edited by others (provided permission)   * Can also be edited by others (provided permission)
 +  * Can be edited on mobile (though painstakingly tricky to do so)
 </div>|<div> </div>|<div>
   * Takes longer to transfer   * Takes longer to transfer
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   * Have to import images   * Have to import images
 </div>|| </div>||
 +===== Page Creation =====
 +To create a page, one must follow the following steps.
 +  - Be **registered** and **signed in** the Furria Wiki.\\ \\ 
 +  - Open a new tab to the [[:oc:home]]. (So you still have this guide)\\ \\ 
 +  - Pay attention to the URL in your address bar on that tab.\\ Right now it should be ''''\\ \\ 
 +  - Replace ''home'' with your username in the Furria Wiki.
 +    * Your username can be found below the logo of the wiki on the left sidebar.
 +    * **Example:** If your username is "fiakaiera" then the URL should be ''''\\ \\ 
 +  - Add another slash (''/'') after  then the actual full name of your character, with spaces replaced by underscores, all in lowercase.
 +    * **Example:** If the character name is "Templea Te" then the URL should be ''''
 +    * If you didn't do this properly, the wiki editors will relocate your page accordingly.\\ \\ 
 +  - If you're properly logged in, you should see a ''โž• New'' button at the top of the page. Press it, then save.
 +    * If you are unable to, feel free to send a DM [[|@ProjectFurria]] on Twitter, or ask in the [[|Typyl Tropes discord server]].\\ \\ 
 +  - Go back and edit the page, and replace all instances of FIXME with whatever it is represented in the [[guide:typyl|Typyl Guide]].
guide/oc.1599284336.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/09/05 05:38 by fiakaiera