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guide:oc [2020/06/04 19:03] external edit
guide:oc [2020/09/05 05:58] (current)
fiakaiera finished page
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-<div alert>**This page is still not complete.** Please come back later. 
-<div rightalign>--- //[[user:fiakaiera]] 2019/11/17 21:40//</div></div> 
 ====== 🔰 OC Pages ====== ====== 🔰 OC Pages ======
 [{{  typyl:mugs:blank.png?200| Default Typyl Mugshot}}] [{{  typyl:mugs:blank.png?200| Default Typyl Mugshot}}]
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 <div info>If you wish to make one of your own original characters for Furria, please take a look at the [[guide:typyl|Typyl Creation Guide]] to see how.</div> <div info>If you wish to make one of your own original characters for Furria, please take a look at the [[guide:typyl|Typyl Creation Guide]] to see how.</div>
-\\ **OC Pages** act as the wiki version of having a [[|Typyl Reference Sheet]] easily to accessed by everyone and displayed in the proper wiki format and shared with a friendly URL.+\\ **OC Pages** act as the wiki version of having a [[|Typyl Reference Sheet]] easily accessed by everyone and displayed in the proper wiki format and shared with a friendly URL.
-<span important>In order to create your own OC page in the wiki, you must be registered and signed in the Furria Wiki.</span>+<span important>In order to create your own OC page in the wiki, you must be [[|registered]] and [[|signed in]] the Furria Wiki.</span>
 ===== Benefits of OC Pages ===== ===== Benefits of OC Pages =====
 There are advantages and disadvantages of making OC Pages in the wiki versus the Typyl Reference Sheet. There are advantages and disadvantages of making OC Pages in the wiki versus the Typyl Reference Sheet.
 \\ Each benefit are listed as follows: \\ Each benefit are listed as follows:
-|<100% 25%>|+|<100% 10% 45% 45%>|
 ^^ ^  Pros  ^  Cons  | ^^ ^  Pros  ^  Cons  |
 ^OC Pages  |<div> ^OC Pages  |<div>
-FIXME+  * Already in the wiki 
 +    * Already in the format of the wiki 
 +    * Able to use icons already present in the wiki 
 +    * Links can be easily cross-referenced 
 +  * Easier to verify 
 +  * Can be searched in the wiki 
 +  * Quicker to transfer 
 +  * Friendly share link
 </div>|<div> </div>|<div>
-FIXME+  * Only the user and the wiki editors are able to edit the page 
 +  * Less-friendly formatting 
 +  * Requires an external URL to use images unless uploaded by a wiki editor 
 +  * Requires wiki formatting / knowledge 
 +  * Manual preview
 </div>|| </div>||
 ^Typyl Reference Sheet  |<div> ^Typyl Reference Sheet  |<div>
-FIXME+  * Easily editable 
 +  * Easier to read 
 +  * User-friendly 
 +  * WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) 
 +  * Can also be edited by others (provided permission) 
 +  * Can be edited on mobile (though painstakingly tricky to do so)
 </div>|<div> </div>|<div>
-FIXME+  * Takes longer to transfer 
 +  * Unfriendly link 
 +  * Links will have to be reassigned 
 +  * Have to import images
 </div>|| </div>||
 +===== Page Creation =====
 +To create a page, one must follow the following steps.
 +  - Be **registered** and **signed in** the Furria Wiki.\\ \\ 
 +  - Open a new tab to the [[:oc:home]]. (So you still have this guide)\\ \\ 
 +  - Pay attention to the URL in your address bar on that tab.\\ Right now it should be ''''\\ \\ 
 +  - Replace ''home'' with your username in the Furria Wiki.
 +    * Your username can be found below the logo of the wiki on the left sidebar.
 +    * **Example:** If your username is "fiakaiera" then the URL should be ''''\\ \\ 
 +  - Add another slash (''/'') after  then the actual full name of your character, with spaces replaced by underscores, all in lowercase.
 +    * **Example:** If the character name is "Templea Te" then the URL should be ''''
 +    * If you didn't do this properly, the wiki editors will relocate your page accordingly.\\ \\ 
 +  - If you're properly logged in, you should see a ''➕ New'' button at the top of the page. Press it, then save.
 +    * If you are unable to, feel free to send a DM [[|@ProjectFurria]] on Twitter, or ask in the [[|Typyl Tropes discord server]].\\ \\ 
 +  - Go back and edit the page, and replace all instances of FIXME with whatever it is represented in the [[guide:typyl|Typyl Guide]].
guide/oc.1591297410.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/06/04 19:03 by