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flora:tilitrapuliam [2020/03/15 00:16]
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 ====== Tilitrapuliam ====== ====== Tilitrapuliam ======
-**Tilitrapuliam** are family of ground plants commonly growing in overgrown regions with medium and high amounts of moistureThese are mostly known for its distinct orbs featuring a shiny slimy substance surrounded by leaves.+**Tilitrapuliam** (shortened to **Titripiam**) is species of rare cautionary-level carnivorous pod-like plants found in dense forests of :erthen: [[world:Erthen]] and :quailyn: [[world:Quailyn]]Tilitrapuliam are known for capturing Typyl and other beast-kind in their pods, easily noticeable by their purple leafy exterior.
 ===== Description ===== ===== Description =====
-Slivet are ground plants which has a meat-like bulb (the core) surrounded by slime, generated by the bulb to protect it from the outside. Slivets get its nourishment from the sun directly to the core in order to grow with leaves surrounding both the bulb and the slime to get nutrients from the ground. +Tilitrapuliam are somewhat large purple pod-like plants with their pod as nearly large as Typyl with leaves sprouting from its sides, from which it hides tentacles sticky enough to capture them. It sustains itself by gathering insects and smaller creatures for itself to consume and gaining nutrients from the sunHowever, it requires heat to survivewhich can be gained through either the sun at day or through capturing prey at night.
- +
-Slivets spread through the rain: it hits the slime barrier and spreads seeds out into the slimemaking it so that it spreads around from the slime being splashed out by the rain. Slivets are small and tend to be alone from other slivets. Should it be planted right beside each otherboth tend to rot away. +
- +
-Should the bulb be taken away, as long as the roots and the leaves of the plant are not removed, a new bulb will be generated over time. +
- +
-Depending on the environment, slivet slimes are colored based on the plants surrounding them as an attempt to blend in. +
- +
-===== Cultivation ===== +
-Slivet farms are not common, based on the where they are grown. Growing slivets tend to be paired with other plants so they can be grown based on whatever they are next to. +
- +
-==== Slime Use ==== +
-The slime of slivets have different uses: +
-  * As fuel for fire +
-  * As a catalyst for potions +
-  * and as food for sustenance+
-When used as food, it is best for it to be cooked firstTypyl find it either to be sweet or savory, sometimes going along with the cooked core.+Should the plant be attacked, they shrivel up to a small sizereleasing any prey inside it and attempt to grow againThe plant itself has a weak exterior so it's not uncommon for its prey to be released.
-Cooler-colored slivet slime tend to be more poisonous to Typyl.+It spreads by afflicting targets with a coating full of seeds, most of which will not survive while being in said coating and/or outside of forests. It will also not grow nearby other Tilitrapuliam, so they are actually found far and few in-between.
-==== Core Use ==== +Tilitrapuliam are not able to handle high amount of [[culture:flux|flux]]so they simply wither away.
-The core itself is meat-like substance that can be used as a meat alternative for hunting cattle-kind. It could also be used to attract other beasts for hunting and is the popular option to lure in beastsespecially when cooked, when the scent of the meat itself spreads somewhat far.+
-When eaten after being cooked, the core would taste very savory and meat-like in contrast to the slimeAntecedents find it to taste like "Beef" in varying scales depending on where it is harvested. When eaten rawit would taste more like stale meat.+==== Capture Pods ==== 
 +Should they get enough energy from the day, Tilitrapuliam pushes sweet temporary spores that resembles pinkish mist attracts any creature to the podOnce it's close enough to the podtentacles will start to viciously grab for their prey, and capture them into the pod and start stealing their heat.
-Depending on the slivet, when paired with the slime, the slime tends to be its sauce for the core.+The pod will always try to keep the head of their prey outside of the pod while the body is being kept in place by its tentacles membranes expanding like balloons to keep them in. The plant will also point spores at the prey's head to keep them hallucinogenic and stay throughout.
-===== Flux Slivets ===== +Once captured, the pod itself will begin to fill in with its digestive fluid, which is pretty weak, akin to hot spring bath, only intended to capture heat than to consume their prey. If their prey has enough heat and stays there for too long, it could knock them outeither accidentally digesting them for its nutrients or enter some form of [[status:downstate|downstate]].
-If corrupted by fluxfluxed slivets are 100% poisonous unless cooked, where the slime can be safely eaten with a minor chance of poisoning. The core itself should never be eaten. If the slime is cooked too long, it can turn into a poisonous mist. If cooked to fastthe slime will explode as an acidic substance.+
-If eaten raw, the slime gives out poison to any being who eats it. Eating the core will further or start corrupting whoever eats italbeit only minor effect.+This process will only last up to 3 hours either until there is no more heat to get from their prey, or they are somehow freed from any external force. The pod is weak in general and it would be easy to take them outOnce the prey is freedthey will find themselves covered in slimy coating covered in seeds, which can be easily removed.
 ===== Author Notes ===== ===== Author Notes =====
   * This page is heavily modified by [[user>fiaKaiera]] to make more sense than what it is originally meant for.   * This page is heavily modified by [[user>fiaKaiera]] to make more sense than what it is originally meant for.
 +  * The name's origin is a random mixture of the words "Typyl", "Trap" and "Pull".
 +  * The pod itself is a very uncommon and not recommended way to remove fever from Typyl, as most of the time it could knock them out.
flora/tilitrapuliam.1584231378.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/15 00:16 by fiakaiera