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Typyl Tropes Discord: Rules

Here are the rules for the Typyl Tropes Discord server:

01. Don't skim the rules, that's just rude!

02. Stay nice to each other~! We're all equals here

03. Keep swearing to a minimal. We do have young people here.

04. Link sources/credit them!!
  (applies to memes and art, unless it's on Discord, link the image URL)

05. Remember to catch yourselves if you're talking about a topic in the wrong room.
  (We'll try to remind you if we caught you though!)

06. You are free to change your display name in the server! Make sure it's appropriate and, don't remove the flag!
  See "Changing Discord Nicknames" for more information.

07. We'll tell you if you did a mistake. We may remove messages if it's something you're not supposed to show.

08. Please avoid politics. That would be appreciated.

09. No drama!

10. Don't screw up.

We would like to gather people to translate the rules! Please contact Kaiera in the server to do so.

Changing Discord Nicknames

  (aka the 2-letter code found at the beginning of your name for Windows users)

discord/rules.1595692392.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/25 15:53 by fiakaiera