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Typyl Tropes Discord / Channels

Here are all of the channels shown in the Typyl Tropes Discord Server:

💬 Lobby


🌐 Fiagia

#🔮approvals This is not available in the server at the moment!

🔣 Projects
This section of the server are specific channels specifically for projects related to Furria.

#🔮fia-approvals 🔮 This channel is specifically for updates about approves of concepts and submissions done to the Furria Wiki.

This is not available in the server at the moment!
#🌿fia-wiki 🌿 FURRIA LIBRARY - fia.Wiki -
Pretty much the wiki for everything Furria. This channel shows specific updates to the wiki. Important changes are given are listed on #📢announce.

This channel is only for those who are contributors of Furria.
#🎴fia-i 🎴 FURRIA SUB SERIES PROJECT - fia [i]-
It's UNO, but you fight it out.

This channel is currently invite-only to those interested.
#🎲fia-dice 🎲 FURRIA TABLETOP - Furrian Dice -
FiaD6, the DnD of Furria I guess..

This channel is not in use as this project is currently on hold.
#💢fia-revolve 💢 FURRIA SUB SERIES PROJECT - fia.Revolve -
A project that was originally Dense Revolve.

This channel is not in use as this project is currently on hold.
#📐fia-improviso 📐 FURRIA PLAYLIST SERIES - fia.Improviso -
All the things Furria explained past midnight.

This channel is not in use as this project is currently inactive.

discord/channels.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/25 17:58 by fiakaiera