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dice:diverse_gameplay [2019/07/11 15:14]
fiakaiera Updated (incomplete)
dice:diverse_gameplay [2020/06/04 19:03] (current)
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 ====== ๐ŸŽฒ Gameplay Guide ====== ====== ๐ŸŽฒ Gameplay Guide ======
-> **Current Iteration:** v1.4 --- //[[user:fiakaiera]] 2019/07/11 09:09//+> **Current Iteration:** v1.4 --- //[[user:fiakaiera]] 2019/07/11 12:59//
 **Furrian Dice**, simplified as Fia โ€“ Dice, is a simple free-formed tabletop roleplaying game based on the world of Furria. The game is about storytelling in the world of Furria in a sense where every player contributes in any way to make it fun. **Furrian Dice**, simplified as Fia โ€“ Dice, is a simple free-formed tabletop roleplaying game based on the world of Furria. The game is about storytelling in the world of Furria in a sense where every player contributes in any way to make it fun.
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 <div tip>**Tip:** Since Fia -- Dice is a free-formed game, expect the "rules" to get broken depending on who the FM is... and that's okay, since these rules doesn't have to be strict.</div> <div tip>**Tip:** Since Fia -- Dice is a free-formed game, expect the "rules" to get broken depending on who the FM is... and that's okay, since these rules doesn't have to be strict.</div>
-==== Decisions ==== 
 When a cast member is given a chance to interact (or interrupt depending on the FM), your character can When a cast member is given a chance to interact (or interrupt depending on the FM), your character can
 do any of the following: do any of the following:
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 <div box> <div box>
-  * ๐ŸŽฒ **Checks:** To do a check, you would have to **roll 2 six-sided dice** (D6s) and success is dictated by the resulting value of the dice.ย +  * <div>๐ŸŽฒ **Checks** -- To do a check, you would have to **roll 2 six-sided dice** (D6s) and success is dictated by the resulting value of the dice.ย 
-  * ๐ŸŽฒ **Stat Check / Trait Check:** A stat/trait check __adds the appropriate value to your initial check.__ For example, a "sense check" would mean the value of your roll + your sense (SEN) trait.+  * **stat/trait check** __adds the appropriate value to your initial check.__ For example, a "sense check" would mean the value of your roll + your sense (SEN) trait.ย 
-  * ๐Ÿ“ˆ **Advantage:** When you are given an advantage, __you roll 3 (or more) dice and pick the highest two of all the dice.__ย +  * <div>โญ **Advantages & Disadvantages** -- Sometimes through a bonus or chance, the FM will give you an advantage or a disadvantage. __You have to roll 3 (or more) dice instead of 2__ if it happens.ย 
-  ๐Ÿ“‰ **Disadvantage:** Like advantagethe opposite is true. __You roll 3 (or more) dice, and pick the lowest two of all the dice.__+    * For **advantages**, pick the highest two of all dice.ย 
 +    For **disadvantages**, pick the lowest two of all dice.ย 
-  * โญ **Critical 12:** If the __result of the pair given is a 12__ (aka both D6s are 6)then the action <fc #43b135>immediately **succeeds**</fc> without question.ย +  * <div>โœจ **Criticals** -- Depending on the result of the dice, advantage or stat check or not, if the total of the dice before calculations is either 2 or a 12a critical is made.ย 
-  * ๐Ÿ’€ **Critical 2:** The opposite also applies: __if the given is 2__ (aka both D6s are 6), then the action <fc #dc0914>Immediately **fails**</fc> without question.+    * **Critical 12** will result in an immediate <fc #43b135>success</fc>.ย 
 +    * **Critical 2** will result in an immediate <fc #dc0914>fail</fc>.ย 
 + </div>ย 
 +  * <div>๐Ÿ’€ **Chaos Die** -- If the FM has d20, (20-sideddice in hand prepare for a world of hurt or splendor.ย 
 +This is like a checkexcept that you cannot add any stat to it and it can go from horribly wrong to horribly right.ย 
 +  * A result of 10 and below will fail, except the lower it goes, the more horrible it can get.ย 
 +  A result of 11 and above will succeed. The higher it goes, the better the situation will be.
 </div> </div>
 +===== โ†ช Skills =====
 +Whether you are inside or outside of battle, you can use skills you have for your character.
 +Outside of battle, you can use skills whenever you can and will not have any cost, but you would still have to roll for them if you need to.
 +However, once you are inside of battle, you will have to use FP in addition to what you can do with skills outside of battle. Do not worry though, as FP will not be spent if your skill fails! You only have ''10'' or ''12 FP'' in battle so choose what to do carefully!
 +<div box>
 +**During battle, you gain FP by doing the following:**
 +  * ''+1 FP'' every start of the round
 +  * ''+1 FP'' for hitting any enemy (multiple enemies will still count as 1)
 +    * ''+2 FP'' if success is critical 12
 +  * ''+1 FP'' for getting hit by an enemy
 +  * ''+1 FP'' for getting heald
 +  * ''+2 FP'' for guarding/readying
 +  * ''MAX FP'' after each battle
 +===== โš” Combat =====
 +Once you enter into a battle, you cannot act freely anymore as everyone (including enemies and other things that can move) will be forced into turns!
 +Combat is divided into different parts: Initiatives, Rounds, Turns, Movement, Actions, Reactions and Damage.
 +<div box>
 +  * <div>#๏ธโƒฃ **Initiative** -- When the battle starts, every single member of the cast will have to roll for initiative. In this case, it will be a 2d6. If the value matches with another cast member, re-roll and the higher one will go first.
 +If your character enters the battle late, then they will be last within initiative regardless. This applies to enemies too unless the FM deems it otherwise.
 +  * <div>๐Ÿ” **Rounds & Turns** -- In a battle, each round is separated into turns, and everyone has a turn, and each turn you can do the following:
 +  * Move on your turn
 +  * Act, once per turn
 +  * React, once per round
 +<div indent>
 +==== ๐Ÿƒโ€โ™€๏ธ Movement ====
 +> Movement is dictated by your speed (''SPD'') stat, and each ''SPD'' point is 5 ft. It's also replenished to full once per round so it's not permanent.<br>
 +> <div box>
 +  * During your turn you can move around before, during or after an action as long as you don't spend all of your ''SPD''.<br><fs 0.8em>//This could be anything that is related to moving around, whether it's jumping, climbing, running, etc. You can also improvise your movement if you want to, as long as the FM tells you if it's possible. (you might have to do a check for it though)//</fs><br><br>
 +  * Sometimes your movement is limited by several factors and will double the cost:
 +     * Crawling, climbing, swimming, difficult terrain and being grappled (which could possibly get your ''SPD'' to 0)<br><br>
 +  * If you move out of range of an enemy without disengaging, you might be a target for an opportunity attack.
 +==== ๐Ÿ—ก Actions ====
 +> You can do an action at least once per turn. An action is dictated whenever you do something that is not movement.<br>
 +> <div box>
 +**As an action, you can do the following:**
 +  * ๐Ÿ”ช **Attack** with/without your weapon
 +  * โ†ช Use a **skill**
 +  * ๐Ÿฏ **Use or interact** with an object or item
 +  * ๐Ÿ”Ž **Search** around
 +  * ๐Ÿ•ถ **Hide**
 +  * ๐Ÿ›ก **Guard/Ready** -- Prepare for an attack/action and defend. (and gain 2FP)
 +  * ๐ŸŽฃ **Grapple** -- If they are of the same or smaller size, both will do a strength (''STR'') check against the other's strength check and if the character using it wins, they are grappled. (For enemies, this will set their ''SPD'' to 0)
 +  * โœ‹ **Shove** -- If they are of the same or smaller size, the one doing the shove will do a strength (''STR'') check against the other's vitality (''VIT'') check. If the one who shoves wins, they will be pushed back will either get them prone or push them by a d6. (5ft per 1)
 +  * ๐Ÿค **Assist/Help** -- If you are in range with another ally, you can do an action at the same time on their turn, or give them an advantage on their attack during their turn. This only lasts until the start of your next turn.
 +  * ๐Ÿšซ **Disengage** -- Prevent the enemy to use an opportunity attack against your character.
 +  * ๐Ÿ’จ **Dash/Sprint** -- UseUse your reflex (REF) trait to add to your movement. (acts the same as ''SPD'')
 +  * ๐Ÿ’ƒ **Break Free** -- Try to break free from being Grappled.
 +  * โœจ **Improvise** -- Improvise your action if you want to, as long as the FM tells you if it's possible. (you might have to do a check for it though)
 +<div tip>โญ **One More**<br>
 +<fs 0.9em>If you are lucky or if the enemy is disadvantaged, you are allowed to do a One More.<br>
 +One more is a bonus action, allowing you to do another action.</fs></div>
 +==== ๐Ÿ›ก Reactions ====
 +> A reaction can be used once per round. A reaction is something you do outside of your turn.<br>
 +> <div box>
 +**For reactions, you can do the following:**
 +  * ๐Ÿ‘Ÿ **Dodge** -- Do a reflex (REF) check against their reflex check to dodge an attack instead. If it fails, you take full damage.
 +  * ๐ŸŽฏ **Counter** -- If you are on guard/ready, you may spend your next action to counter-attack immediately, allowing you to sneak in a skill or an attack guaranteed to succeed without any cost.
 +  * ๐Ÿ—ก **Opportunity Attack** -- If your target moves away out for your battle range without disengaging, you can sneak in a skill or attack that's guaranteed to succeed without any cost.
 +  * ๐Ÿ‘Š **Opportunity Grapple** -- Same as an opportunity attack but you try and grapple instead.
 +  * ๐Ÿค **Quick Assist** -- If you are in range with another ally, you give up your action for the turn to assist on your target ally's turn.
 +  * ๐Ÿƒโ€โ™€๏ธ **Run Away** -- Everyone gets away from battle. Everyone must succeed a reflex (REF) + speed (''SPD'') check. All cast members must agree on this. Running away fails if at least one fails and those who failed are susceptible to an opportunity attack. Positions are not changed when running away.
 +<div tip>โญ **All-out Attack**<br>
 +<fs 0.9em>Once all enemies are disadvantaged, your party can do an all-out attack in an attempt to take down all enemies at once. Each character can either do a skill or attack on a specified target guaranteed to succeed without any cost, or straight up roll 4d6 for damage on all targets. (Split or not, add ''STR'' or ''SOR'' if necessary, depending on the FM)</fs></div>
 +==== โŒ Damage ====
 +=== Dealing Damage ===
 +Depending on the weapon, damage is usually calculated by a d6 + the stat necessary to wield it. 
 +<div box>
 +  * Strength (''STR'') for melee or physical weapons.
 +  * Sorcery (''SOR'') for magical weapons.
 +  * However, the FM can also give your weapon custom damage stats.
 +  * A +1 on the weapon will increase it's damage by 1.
 +  * You can also deal damage with skills if the skill can do so.
 +  * If the success roll is 12, then it counts as a critical hit. Damage is doubled.
 +=== Taking Damage ===
 +If the character takes damage, they will have to decrease the damage taken dependiong on the stat.
 +<div box>
 +  * Defense (''DEF'') for physical damage.
 +  * Resistance (RES) for magical damage.
 +  * Then, your HP will be reduced by the damage taken.
 +  * Once your HP reaches 0, you enter Downstate.
 +  * If you are on guard, you may roll for a might (MIG) check to completely block the attack and take no damage.
 +<div danger>**Just remember:** you can still get damaged outside of battle.</div>
 +===== ๐Ÿ‘ Conditions =====
 +During your journey you can be entitled into certain status effects, each one affects a character in different ways.
 +This can range from being: blinded, charmed, deafened, exhausted, frightened, grappled, paralyzed, etc.
 +=== Downstate ===
 +If you are down after reaching 0 HP, you enter a **"Downstate"**. Your character's body goes limp and all of their outer appearance (including clothing) will turn white. From here you cannot move in battle and stay lifeless and unconscious.
 +However, not all hope is lost. You can still come back from being unconscious!
 +<div box>
 +Your character's body is not completely white yet, so for each turn, you do a "saving" check three times:
 +  * Rolling a [7] and above will be a success
 +  * Rolling lower than that will be a failure
 +  * On **3 successes** -- you come back into consciousness, you will be at 1 HP. From here, you can struggle and fight again or wait until the battle ends. If you decide to wait, you may roll a d6 after the fight to heal back your HP.
 +  * On **3 failures** -- your character cannot fight anymore and would have to retire for a week, and will have to revive to the last resting spot the party has been. They could still be with the party but cannot fight and must stay off. If they enter downstate the second time after already failing, they cannot join any more for the rest of the party's journey. (or wait a month for them to rejoin story-wise)
 +You will still have to roll even if the battle has ended, either at different times or all at once. If the damage you've taken is more than your HP, you immediately fail all 3 saving rolls.
 +Even if the ally has failed to gain back consciousness, they can be revived without having the penalty of being unable to fight. (or with setbacks given by the FM)
 +<div danger>**By the way...** there is a way that your character can permanently die.</div>
 +===== ๐Ÿ“ˆ Improving Your Character =====
 +Overtime, you gain points (''PT'') from experience. You can spend PT to improve your character. 
 +<div box>
 +**Depending on the amount of PT spent, you can improve the following:**
 +  * ''-4 PT'' to +1 a specific trait
 +  * ''-2 PT'' to +1 a specific stat
 +  * ''-3 PT'' to get a new skill
 +  * ''-(1 + Skill LV) PT'' to improve a skill
 +... and that should be everything. Now go out there and have fun!
 +<div centeralign><div box>**[[dice:diverse_creation|[ Click here for the character creation guide! ]]]**</div></div>
dice/diverse_gameplay.1562858055.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/07/11 15:14 by fiakaiera