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culture:sorcia [2018/07/26 04:59]
fiakaiera fixed aspects link to aspect
culture:sorcia [2020/06/04 19:03] (current)
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 Once the user's force is exhausted, it is not recommended to use or cast any more Sorcia since a toll to the user's life force is expended instead, being bound to receive [[status:whiteout|Whiteout]] if the user is not careful or permanent death to the user if the user is too careless of their own health. Once the user's force is exhausted, it is not recommended to use or cast any more Sorcia since a toll to the user's life force is expended instead, being bound to receive [[status:whiteout|Whiteout]] if the user is not careful or permanent death to the user if the user is too careless of their own health.
-The limit of the size of Sorcia being cast is only limited to the size of a standard house. Sorcia cannot also empower or weaken a target until it is invulnerable or fragile. In terms of power, Sorcia can only handle up to 200% of its base power and possibly more if [[culture:equipment|Equipment]] is included. Overcoming these limits can prove fatal. An exception is only made when a user has the access of using [[furria:shatter_charge|Shatter Charge]].+The limit of the size of Sorcia being cast is only limited to the size of a standard house. In terms of power, Sorcia can only handle up to 200% of its base power and possibly more if [[culture:equipment|Equipment]] is included. Overcoming these limits can prove fatal. An exception is only made when a user has the access of using [[furria:shatter_charge|Shatter Charge]].
 ===== Traits ===== ===== Traits =====
 When creating Sorcia to be cast or uses, each Sorcia must be composed of traits. [[aspect:home|Aspects]] are used to represent traits. When creating Sorcia to be cast or uses, each Sorcia must be composed of traits. [[aspect:home|Aspects]] are used to represent traits.
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   *[[wp>Magic]]   *[[wp>Magic]]
   *[[wp>Sorcery]]   *[[wp>Sorcery]]
culture/sorcia.1532581198.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/07/26 04:59 by fiakaiera