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culture:equipment [2018/02/15 22:51]
fiakaiera created
culture:equipment [2021/04/30 15:44] (current)
Line 9: Line 9:
 ==== Tools ==== ==== Tools ====
 === Crafting Tools === === Crafting Tools ===
-~~NOCACHE~~ +{{wst>equip_tab 
-  * **CR Hammer** --- (Crafting Hammer) Blunt tool used to apply force on materials +| image = crhammer 
-  * **Pliers** --Used for carefully bending sturdy materials +| name  CR Hammer 
-  * **Welder** --- Used for combining two metals together +| full  = (Crafting Hammer) 
-  * **File** --- Long-bladed tool used for sharpening materials +| desc  = Blunt tool used to apply force on materials. 
-  * **Chisel** --- Long-bladed tool used for precise cutting and shaping of materials +}} 
-  * **Saw** --- Grated tool used for cutting sturdy materials +{{wst>equip_tab 
-  * **CR Knife** --- (Crafting Knife) Sharp tool used to cut less sturdy materials +| image = wrench 
-  * **CR Blade** --- (Crafting Blade) Rounded blade used to cut leather +| name  = Wrench 
-  * **Awl** --- Pointed tool used for piercing holes through materials +| full  =  
-  * **Needle** --- Long tool used to clamp materials together using string or yarn +| desc  = Curve-ended tool for tightening or loosening bolts on screws. 
-  * **Spindle** --- Spiked tool used to create string or yarn+}} 
 +| image = pliers 
 +| name  = Pliers 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Handled tool for carefully bending sturdy materials. 
 +| image = welder 
 +| name  Welder 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Handled tool for combining two metals together using heat. 
 +| image = file 
 +| name  File 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Long-bladed tool used for sharpening materials. 
 +| image = chisel 
 +| name  Chisel 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Long-bladed tool used for precise cutting and shaping of materials. 
 +| image = saw 
 +| name  Saw 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Grated tool used for cutting sturdy materials. 
 +| image = crknife 
 +| name  CR Knife 
 +| full  = (Crafting Knife) 
 +| desc  = Sharp tool used to cut less sturdy materials. 
 +| image = crblade 
 +| name  CR Blade 
 +| full  = (Crafting Blade) 
 +| desc  = Rounded blade used to cut leather. 
 +| image = awl 
 +| name  Awl 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Pointed tool used for piercing holes through materials. 
 +| image = needle 
 +| name  Needle 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Long tool used to clamp materials together using string or yarn. 
 +| image = spindle 
 +| name  Spindle 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Spiked tool used to create string or yarn
 === Cullinary Tools === === Cullinary Tools ===
-  * **Alembic** --- Beaker used to distill chemicals +{{wst>equip_tab 
-  * **Mortar** --- Bowl used to contain ingredients to be crushed or grounded into powder or paste +| image = alembic 
-  * **Pestle** --- Blunt tool used to crush or ground ingredients into powder or paste +| name  = Alembic 
-  * **Kitchenware** --- Utensil used to prepare ingredients +| full  =  
-  * **Cookware** --- Cooking vessel used to cook ingredients +| desc  = Beaker used to distill chemicals
-  * **Bakeware** --- Baking vessel used to bake ingredients+}} 
 +| image = mortar 
 +| name  Mortar 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Bowl used to contain ingredients to be crushed or grounded into powder or paste. 
 +| image = pestle 
 +| name  Pestle 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Blunt tool used to crush or ground ingredients into powder or paste. 
 +| image = kitchenware 
 +| name  Kitchenware 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Various set of utensils used to prepare ingredients
 +| image = cookware 
 +| name  Cookware 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Cooking vessel used to cook ingredients
 +| image = bakeware 
 +| name  Bakeware 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Baking vessel used to bake ingredients
 === Gathering Tools === === Gathering Tools ===
-  * **GH Axe** --- (Gathering Axe) Sharp tool used to chop wood +{{wst>equip_tab 
-  * **Sickle** --- Sharp tool used to cut grass or crops +| image = ghaxe 
-  * **Hoe** --- Gardening tool used to cultivate soil +| name  = GH Axe 
-  * **Shovel** --- Curved tool used to gather dirt and other grained or clamped materials +| full  = (Gathering Blade) 
-  * **GH Rod** --- (Gathering Rod) Pole used to gather aquatic life for ingredients +| desc  = Sharp tool used to chop wood. 
-  * **Pickaxe** --- Two-sided tool used to mine materials from stone +}} 
-  * **GH Hammer** --- (Gathering Hammer) Blunt tool used to mine materials from stone in a wide area+{{wst>equip_tab 
 +| image = sickle 
 +| name  Sickle 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Sharp tool used to cut grass or crops. 
 +| image = hoe 
 +| name  Hoe 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Gardening tool used to cultivate soil
 +| image = shovel 
 +| name  Shovel 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Curved tool used to gather dirt and other grained or clamped materials. 
 +| image = ghrod 
 +| name  GH Rod 
 +| full  = (Gathering Rod) 
 +| desc  = Pole used to gather aquatic life for ingredients. 
 +| image = pickaxe 
 +| name  Pickaxe 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Two-sided tool used to mine materials from stone. 
 +| image = ghhammer 
 +| name  GH Hammer 
 +| full  = (Gathering Hammer) 
 +| desc  = Blunt tool used to mine materials from stone in a wide area
 ==== Weapons ==== ==== Weapons ====
 === Slash-type Weapons === === Slash-type Weapons ===
-  * {{culture:equip:base knife.png?32&nolink}} **Knife** --- Small one-edged weapon. Weaker and smaller version of the Blade but swift. +{{wst>equip_tab 
-  {{culture:equip:base blade.png?32&nolink}} **Blade** --- One-edged weapon. More capable for hacking slices. Katanas and scimitars are categorized here. +| image = knife 
-  {{culture:equip:base 2hblade.png?32&nolink}} **2H Blade** --- (Two-handed Blade) Heavy one-edged weapon. More powerful version of the Blade, but slower. +| name  = Knife 
-  {{culture:equip:base sword.png?32&nolink}} **Sword** --- Two-edged weapon. More capable for slicing. Short swords fall are categorized here. +| full  =  
-  {{culture:equip:base 2hsword.png?32&nolink}} **2H Sword** --- (Two-handed Sword) Heavy two-edged weapon. More powerful version of the Sword, but slower. Greatswords and Zweihänders are categorized here. +| desc  = Small one-edged weapon. Weaker and smaller version of the Blade but swift. 
-  {{culture:equip:base axe.png?32&nolink}} **Axe** --- Wedge weapon. Can have one-side or two-sided variations. +}} 
-  {{culture:equip:base 2haxe.png?32&nolink}} **2H Axe** --- (Two-handed Axe) Heavy wedge weapon. More powerful version of the Axe, but slower. Can have one-side, two-sided or disc variations. +{{wst>equip_tab 
-  {{culture:equip:base scythe.png?32&nolink}} **Scythe** --- Reaping weapon. Attacks mostly require spinning the weapon or the user. +| image = blade 
-  {{culture:equip:base claw.png?32&nolink}} **Claw** --- Multi-edged weapon. Can attack fast depending on the agility of the user. +| name  = Blade 
-  {{culture:equip:base atfan.png?32&nolink}} **AT Fan** --- (Attack Fan) Small multi-edged weapon. Can be sheathed or spread like a fan from the hand.+| full  =  
 +| desc  = One-edged weapon. More capable for hacking slices. Katanas and scimitars are categorized here. 
 +| image = 2hblade 
 +| name  = 2H Blade 
 +| full  = (Two-handed Blade)  
 +| desc  = Heavy one-edged weapon. More powerful version of the Blade, but slower. 
 +| image = sword 
 +| name  = Sword 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Double-edged weapon. More capable for slicing. Short swords are categorized here. 
 +| image = 2hsword 
 +| name  = 2H Sword 
 +| full  = (Two-handed Sword) 
 +| desc  = Double two-edged weapon. More powerful version of the Sword, but slower. Greatswords and Zweihänders are categorized here. 
 +| image = axe 
 +| name  = Axe 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Wedge weapon. Can have one-side or two-sided variations. 
 +| image = 2haxe 
 +| name  = 2H Axe 
 +| full  = (Two-handed Axe) 
 +| desc  = Heavy wedge weapon. More powerful version of the Axe, but slower. Can have one-side, two-sidedor disc variations. 
 +| image = scythe 
 +| name  = Scythe 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Reaping weapon. Attacks mostly require spinning the weapon or the user. 
 +| image = claw 
 +| name  = Claw 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Multi-edged or multi-bladed weapon. Can attack fast depending on the agility of the user. 
 +| image = atfan 
 +| name  = AT Fan 
 +| full  = (Attack Fan) 
 +| desc  = Small multi-edged or multi-bladed weapon. Can be sheathed or spread like a fan from the hand. 
 +| image = atring 
 +| name  = AT Ring 
 +| full  = (Attack Ring) 
 +| desc  = Sharpened disc that allows to attack by waving or spinning a ring. 
 === Impact-type Weapons === === Impact-type Weapons ===
-  * {{culture:equip:base mace.png?32&nolink}} **Mace** ---  +{{wst>equip_tab 
-  {{culture:equip:base 2hmace.png?32&nolink}} **2H Mace** --- (Two-handed Mace)  +| image = mace 
-  {{culture:equip:base hammer.png?32&nolink}} **Hammer** ---  +| name  = Mace 
-  {{culture:equip:base 2hhammer.png?32&nolink}} **2H Hammer** --- (Two-handed Hammer)  +| full  =  
-  * {{culture:equip:base atgloves.png?32&nolink}} **AT Gloves** --- (Attack Gloves)  +| desc  = Bludgeoning weaponHas a weighted head capable of dealing hard hits. 
-  * {{culture:equip:base atboots.png?32&nolink}} **AT Boots** --- (Attack Boots)  +}} 
-  {{culture:equip:base tonfa.png?32&nolink}} **Tonfa** ---  +{{wst>equip_tab 
-  {{culture:equip:base flail.png?32&nolink}} **Flail** ---  +| image = 2hmace 
-  {{culture:equip:base nunchaku.png?32&nolink}} **Nunchaku** ---  +| name  = 2H Mace 
-  {{culture:equip:base whip.png?32&nolink}} **Whip** --- +| full  = (Two-handed Mace)  
 +| desc  = Heavy bludgeoning weapon. A heavier version of a mace. 
 +| image = hammer 
 +| name  = Hammer 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Swinging weaponHas it's weight concentrated to the head compared to a mace. 
 +| image = 2hhammer 
 +| name  = 2H Hammer 
 +| full  = (Two-handed Hammer)  
 +| desc  = Heavy swinging weaponA more powerful version of the hammer but requires a drastic force to swing. 
 +| image = atgloves 
 +| name  = AT Gloves 
 +| full  = (Attack Gloves)  
 +| desc  = Weaponized or armored gloves capable of doing quick hits. 
 +| image = atboots 
 +| name  = AT Boots 
 +| full  = (Attack Boots)  
 +| desc  = Weaponized or armored boots capable of acting faster on hits. 
 +| image = tonfa 
 +| name  = Tonfa 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Weighted arm-length weapons that allows attacks through spinning. 
 +| image = flail 
 +| name  = Flail 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Chained version of a maceThe head is chained to the handle allowing for swings from afar. 
 +| image = nunchaku 
 +| name  = Nunchaku 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Chained sticks connected by a short chainQuick yet needs posture to prevent self harm. 
 +| image = whip 
 +| name  = Whip 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Long-range impact weaponAllows for hits in long range. 
 === Puncture-type Weapons === === Puncture-type Weapons ===
-  * {{culture:equip:base dagger.png?32&nolink}} **Dagger** ---  +{{wst>equip_tab 
-  {{culture:equip:base rapier.png?32&nolink}} **Rapier** ---  +| image = dagger 
-  {{culture:equip:base lance.png?32&nolink}} **Lance** ---  +| name  = Dagger 
-  {{culture:equip:base spear.png?32&nolink}} **Spear** ---  +| full  =  
-  {{culture:equip:base polearm.png?32&nolink}} **Polearm** --- +| desc  = Shorter version of a sword, best used for stabbing. 
 +| image = rapier 
 +| name  = Rapier 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Thin, light version of a sword, best used for keeping distance and attacking with quick stabs. 
 +| image = lance 
 +| name  = Lance 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Long-edged weapon that widens from the tip to the base, best used when charging. 
 +| image = spear 
 +| name  = Spear 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Edged tip weaponAdvantageous for keeping distance far from the user. 
 +| image = polearm 
 +| name  = Polearm 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Long-edged tip weaponSimilar to the spear but is edged like a blade, a sword or an axe. 
 +| image = flag 
 +| name  = Flag 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Banner top weapon. Effective for displaying insignia but can double as a casting weapon. 
 === Cast-type Weapons === === Cast-type Weapons ===
-  * {{culture:equip:base deck.png?32&nolink}} **Deck** ---  +{{wst>equip_tab 
-  {{culture:equip:base staff.png?32&nolink}} **Staff** ---  +| image = deck 
-  {{culture:equip:base wand.png?32&nolink}} **Wand** --- +| name  = Deck 
-  {{culture:equip:base rod.png?32&nolink}} **Rod** ---  +| full  =  
-  {{culture:equip:base cane.png?32&nolink}} **Cane** ---  +| desc  = Set of magical cards with each card having its own spellEach case has it's own unique style. 
-  {{culture:equip:base umbrella.png?32&nolink}} **Umbrella** ---  +}} 
-  {{culture:equip:base book.png?32&nolink}} **Book** ---  +{{wst>equip_tab 
-  {{culture:equip:base orb.png?32&nolink}} **Orb** ---  +| image = staff 
-  {{culture:equip:base pendulum.png?32&nolink}} **Pendulum** --- +| name  = Staff 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Physically involved casting weaponHas a better use for aimed sorcia. 
 +| image = wand 
 +| name  = Wand 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Lighter version of a staff capable of faster yet weaker movements. 
 +| image = rod 
 +| name  = Rod 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Orb attached wandUsed better for concentrated sorcia. 
 +| image = cane 
 +| name  = Cane 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Augmented staff with a handleBest used for healing sorcia. 
 +| image = umbrella 
 +| name  = Umbrella 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Battle-ready Parasol. Better for impulse or wide-spread sorcia. 
 +| image = book 
 +| name  = Book 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Contains pages infused with sorciaGood without memorization or having a large catalogue of spells. 
 +| image = orb 
 +| name  = Orb 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Sorcia-infused core ready for castingCompared to the AT Orb, better only for sorcia. 
 +| image = pendulum 
 +| name  = Pendulum 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Wave-cast casing attached to a form of string. Better for wide-angle, and wavy sorcia. 
 === Range-type Weapons === === Range-type Weapons ===
-  * **Thrown** ---  +{{wst>equip_tab 
-  * **RT Arc** --- (Returning Arc) +| image = thrown 
-  * **Bow** ---  +| name  = Thrown 
-  * **Longbow** ---  +| full  =  
-  * **Crossbow** ---  +| desc  = Disposable weapons that can be thrown. Limited in quantity or be magically supplied. 
-  * **2H Crossbow** --- (Two-handed Crossbow)  +}} 
-  * **Gun** ---  +{{wst>equip_tab 
-  * **2H Gun** --- (Two-handed Gun)  +| image = arc 
-  * **Blowdart** ---  +| name  = Arc 
-  * **Sling** ---  +| full  =  
-  * **Bomb** ---  +| desc  = Re-usable weapons that can be thrown and still returned to the owner. 
-  * **Caltrops** --+}} 
 +| image = bow 
 +| name  Bow 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Elastic archery weapon for quick but inconsistent heavily piercing hits. Composite bows classify as bows. 
 +| image = longbow 
 +| name  Longbow 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Taller version of a bow. Allows for faster and accurate heavily piercing hits compared to the bow. 
 +| image = crossbow 
 +| name  = Crossbow 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = A mixture of a bow and a gun. Does more accruate heavily piercing hits but requires reloads. 
 +| image = 2hcrossbow 
 +| name  = 2H Crossbow 
 +| full  = (Two-handed Crossbow) 
 +| desc  = A heavier advanced version of the bow, capable of shooting more than 1 arrow. 
 +| image = gun 
 +| name  = Gun 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Shooting weapon capable of shooting small piercing or altered bullets. Light, quick but inaccurate. 
 +| image = 2hgun 
 +| name  2H Gun 
 +| full  = (Two-handed Gun) 
 +| desc  = An advanced and varied version of a gun. Capable of giving different alterations compared to a gun. 
 +| image = launcher 
 +| name  = Launcher 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = A heavier and more varied version of a 2h gun, used for more varied ammo. 
 +| image = dart 
 +| name  = Dart 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Throwable or blown projectiles that requires concentration to use. Usually paired with statuses. 
 +| image = sling 
 +| name  = Sling 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Hand-weapon that throws projectiles. Like the dart, but more accurate and slower to nock but also paired with statuses. 
 +| image = explosive 
 +| name  = Explosive 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Detonatable upon impact or over time. Can be limited in quantity or re-supplied by sorcia. 
 +| image = caltrops 
 +| name  Caltrops 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Droppable spiked traps re-suppliable by sorcia or limited in quantity. 
 === Defensive Weapons === === Defensive Weapons ===
-  * {{culture:equip:base shield.png?32&nolink}} **Shield** ---  +{{wst>equip_tab 
-  {{culture:equip:base hshield.png?32&nolink}} **H Shield** --- (Heavy Shield)  +| image = shield 
-  * {{culture:equip:base 2hshield.png?32&nolink}} **2H Shield** --- (Two-handed Shield) +| name  = Shield 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Light preventive cover capable of offensive blunt damage in exchange for cover. 
 +| image = hshield 
 +| name  = H Shield 
 +| full  = (Heavy Shield) 
 +| desc  = Shield that covers a decent amount of area but less capable of offensive blunt damage. 
 +| image = 2hshield 
 +| name  = 2H Shield 
 +| full  = (Two-handed Shield) 
 +| desc  = Heavier shield that requires both hands to cover a large amount of area. 
 +| image = pileshield 
 +| name  = Pileshield 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Counts as a piercing-slash heavy weapon with the versatility of a shield. Weight sorcia required. 
 +| image = reflector 
 +| name  = Reflector 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Sorcia-bound defensive impulse cover, mostly for close parries or reflects. 
 === Other Weapons === === Other Weapons ===
-  * {{culture:equip:base atorb.png?32&nolink}} **AT Orb** --- +{{wst>equip_tab 
-  * **Gunblade** --+| image = atorb 
-  * **Puppet** ---  +| name  = AT Orb 
-  * **Sentry** ---  +| full  = (Attack Orb) 
-  * **Instrument** ---  +| desc  = Contains phantasmal set of weapons used styled for quick switching. 
-  * **Hybrid** ---  +}} 
-  * **Unique** --- +{{wst>equip_tab 
 +| image = gunblade 
 +| name  Gunblade 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Dual-joint weapon containing both gun and blade. Fighting style can be focused one way or the other. 
 +| image = puppet 
 +| name  Puppet 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Sorcia-bound remote controlled vessel. Great for attacking on two fronts. 
 +| image = sentry 
 +| name  Sentry 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Sorcia-bound remote-targeting vessel. Better for attacking from afar. 
 +| image = instrument 
 +| name  Instrument 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Usually used for creative use, allows summoned sorcia or support. 
 +| image = hybrid 
 +| name  = Hybrid 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = A joint between two categories of weapons combined as one. 
 +| image = unique 
 +| name  = Unique 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Weapons that are not normally categorized in any other category. 
 ===== Wearable Equipment ===== ===== Wearable Equipment =====
 ==== Clothing ==== ==== Clothing ====
 === Garments === === Garments ===
-  * **Cloak** ---  +{{wst>equip_tab 
-  * **Headwear** ---  +| image = cloak 
-  * **Torso** ---  +| name  = Cloak 
-  * **Trousers** ---  +| full  =  
-  * **Leggings** ---  +| desc  = Unified piece of cloth that can cover the torso all the way to the foot. 
-  * **Gloves** ---  +}} 
-  * **Footing** ---  +{{wst>equip_tab 
-  * **Suit** ---+| image = headwear 
 +| name  = Headwear 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Head garment. Head-worn clothing is classified as headwear. 
 +| image = torso 
 +| name  Torso 
 +| full   
 +| desc  = Upper body garment. Clothing worn on the upper body is considered to be torso. 
 +| image = legwear 
 +| name  = Legwear 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Lower body garment. All clothing worn on the lower body is categorized to be legwear. 
 +| image = gloves 
 +| name  = Gloves 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Worn on the hands. Any clothing worn on the hands is classified as gloves. 
 +| image = footing 
 +| name  = Footing 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Fitted around the foot. Clothing that is worn on the foot is classified as footing. 
 +| image = outfit 
 +| name  = Outfit 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = A set or combination of clothing worn together as a set. 
 === Accessories === === Accessories ===
-  * **Ring** ---  +{{wst>equip_tab 
-  * **Necklace** ---  +| image = ring 
-  * **Bracelet** ---  +| name  = Ring 
-  * **Brooch** ---  +| full  =  
-  * **Spectacle** ---  +| desc  = Material clamped around a finger or wrist. Contains concentrated magical properties. 
-  * **Scarf** ---  +}} 
-  * **Pouch** ---  +{{wst>equip_tab 
 +| image = necklace 
 +| name  = Necklace 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Object tied to the neck with a string. Can contain magical properties. 
 +| image = bracelet 
 +| name  = Bracelet 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Wrist bangle said to contain magical properties. 
 +| image = brooch 
 +| name  = Brooch 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Clamped to the hair. Designed to be stylish but may contain heightening sorcia. 
 +| image = spectacles 
 +| name  = Spectacle 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Pair of glasses designed to be cosmetic or have secondary utility. 
 +| image = scarf 
 +| name  = Scarf 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Warm length of cloth wrapped around the waist or neck. 
 +| image = pouch 
 +| name  = Pouch 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Carryable pocket to quickly access the arcitory of the owner. 
 ==== Armor ==== ==== Armor ====
 === Physical Armor === === Physical Armor ===
-  * **Helmet** ---   +{{wst>equip_tab 
-  * **Visor** ---   +| image = helmet 
-  * **Bevor** ---   +| name  = Helmet 
-  * **Curiass** ---   +| full   
-  * **Fauld** ---   +| desc  = Head armor. Head-worn protective covering is classified as helmet. 
-  * **Spaulder** ---   +}} 
-  * **Vambrace** ---   +{{wst>equip_tab 
-  * **Greave** ---   +| image = visor 
-  * **Sabaton** ---   +| name  = Visor 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Protection placed in-front of the eyes to protect one's vision. 
 +| image = bevor 
 +| name  = Bevor 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Armor that surrounds and protects the neck and wide enough for anyone to breathe. 
 +| image = curiass 
 +| name  = Curiass 
 +| full   
 +| desc  = Upper-body armor. Protective layer of armor worn specifically for the torso. 
 +| image = fauld 
 +| name  = Fauld 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Lower-body armor. Protective belt worn on the waist to protect both waist and hips. 
 +| image = spaulder 
 +| name  = Spaulder 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Covering intended to specifically protect the shoulders. 
 +| image = vambrace 
 +| name  = Vambrace 
 +| full   
 +| desc  = Arm set protective covering given to the forearms. 
 +| image = greave 
 +| name  = Greave 
 +| full   
 +| desc  = Worn on the legs. Protective shin armor covering the legs to prevent loss of movement. 
 +| image = sabaton 
 +| name  = Sabaton 
 +| full  =  
 +| desc  = Equipment set to cover and protect the feet. 
 === Auramor === === Auramor ===
-  * **AO Cloak** --- (Auramor Cloak)  +**Main Article:** [[equip:Auramor]] 
-  * **AA Cloak** --- (Augmented Auramor Cloak)  +{{wst>equip_tab 
-  * **AO Shield** --- (Auramor Shield)  +| image = aocloak 
-  * **AA Shield** --- (Augmented Auramor Shield)  +| name  = AO Cloak 
-  * **AO Soul** --- (Auramor Soul)  +| full  = (Auramor Cloak) 
-  * **AA Soul** --- (Augmented Auramor Soul) +| desc  = A flowing basic layer of auramor that covers the body akin to a raincoat. 
 +| image = aoshield 
 +| name  = AO Shield 
 +| full  = (Auramor Shield) 
 +| desc  = A protective barrier of auramor that protects the front in a wide angle. 
 +| image = aosoul 
 +| name  = AO Soul 
 +| full  = (Auramor Soul) 
 +| desc  = Full coverage of auramor that protects every part of the body, allowing full protection without the need for armor. 
 +| image = aacloak 
 +| name  = AA Cloak 
 +| full  = (Augmented Auramor Cloak
 +| desc  = An improved version of the AO Cloak that allows to be augmented with different traits. 
 +| image = aashield 
 +| name  = AA Shield 
 +| full  = (Augmented Auramor Shield
 +| desc  = A better version of the AO Shield that gives additional traits through augments. 
 +| image = aasoul 
 +| name  = AA Soul 
 +| full  = (Augmented Auramor Soul) 
 +| desc  = A fully customizable AO Soul that can be socketed with multiple traits by the use of augments. 
 ===== Inspirations ===== ===== Inspirations =====
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   * The concept of having armor without actually having armor   * The concept of having armor without actually having armor
-{{template>footer:culture}} +{{wst>:f:culture}}
culture/equipment.1518735077.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/02/15 22:51 by fiakaiera