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culture:equipment [2020/10/03 08:48]
culture:equipment [2021/04/30 15:44] (current)
Line 206: Line 206:
 | name  = 2H Axe | name  = 2H Axe
 | full  = (Two-handed Axe) | full  = (Two-handed Axe)
-| desc  = Heavy wedge weapon. More powerful version of the Axe, but slower. Can have one-side, two-sided or disc variations.+| desc  = Heavy wedge weapon. More powerful version of the Axe, but slower. Can have one-side, two-sidedor disc variations.
 }} }}
 {{wst>equip_tab {{wst>equip_tab
Line 230: Line 230:
 | name  = AT Ring | name  = AT Ring
 | full  = (Attack Ring) | full  = (Attack Ring)
-| desc  = Sharpened disc that allows to attack by waving the ring.+| desc  = Sharpened disc that allows to attack by waving or spinning a ring.
 }} }}
Line 487: Line 487:
 | full  = (Two-handed Shield) | full  = (Two-handed Shield)
 | desc  = Heavier shield that requires both hands to cover a large amount of area. | desc  = Heavier shield that requires both hands to cover a large amount of area.
 +| image = pileshield
 +| name  = Pileshield
 +| full  = 
 +| desc  = Counts as a piercing-slash heavy weapon with the versatility of a shield. Weight sorcia required.
 }} }}
 {{wst>equip_tab {{wst>equip_tab
culture/equipment.1601714886.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/10/03 08:48 by fiakaiera