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culture:antecedence [2019/11/08 15:22]
fiakaiera added footer
culture:antecedence [2020/06/04 19:03] (current)
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 Varying amounts of antecedents continue to appear everyday for the whole year. Once the last of the antecedents appear, a small distortion starts to appear again off the cliff near the once active antecedent crystal, which starts to worry the inhabitants of Fiagia. Varying amounts of antecedents continue to appear everyday for the whole year. Once the last of the antecedents appear, a small distortion starts to appear again off the cliff near the once active antecedent crystal, which starts to worry the inhabitants of Fiagia.
culture/antecedence.1573226574.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/08 15:22 by fiakaiera