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Symbolic Alter Aspect
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:mixi: Mixi #23


Multiply, Fuse, Mixture, Combination
Simple Title Multiplication
Main Category Symbolic Aspects
Sub Category Alter Aspects
Presav Sav

Claire Bonheur


Primary Color #b89241


Mixi is a Symbolic Alter Aspect showing Fiagia's representation of multiplication and the combination of two objects physically and magically. The aspect is divided into two facets: repetition and mixture.

Aspect Mediums for Mixi can be made by combining two :amplius: Amplius mediums together. The aspect medium will have a chance of leaving the other aspect medium out and be filled with Mixi instead of Amplius.

Mixi stems from :aetas: Aetas and sorcia made with Mixi is often paired with :amplius: Amplius and :imitio: Imitio.



Mixi is a powerful aspect that acts similar to :amplius: Amplius. Where Amplius adds more to an aspect, Mixi does it in multiples, except its cost increases exponentially. It also mixes two traits together into one. In addition to its multiplicative and mixing traits, it can be used to temporarily duplicate traits of what items or sorcia already have by itself. However, not every item or skill can be duplicated due to some having a one-use nature, such as materials and food.

Since Mixi is commonly used to duplicate, there's anti-sorcia actively used on Mixi as a counter-measure for Sylv to prevent it from being massively copied and creating an influx of currency, which can be disastrous in terms of economy.

Mixi's nature is often also used for alchemy and forgery in use with refining items and equipment.

:aetas: Aetas is the main influence for Mixi, while :amplius: Amplius and :imitio: Imitio influences the effect of each other.


The aspect is divided by two facets: repetition and mixture. Both of them being similarly related to one another as an aspect.


Mixi's facet for repetition refers to its multiplicative properties as an aspect, mainly to add multiples of its own traits.


When used alone or with :amplius: Amplius, the aspect allows for the sorcia being cast to have one of its traits enhanced in multiples. When Mixi is used to amplify traits in multiples, it is more exhausting to use in high amounts compared to Amplius alone. It is more natural to use Mixi for any kind of sorcia that has naturally low cost on force.

Sorcia using multiplication will have a margin of error for its intensity based on how it is multiplied. It tends to be beneficial for sorcia using Mixi to have a high margin of error because it ends up efficient. This is because when making it more accurate, the sorcia being cast requires more force to achieve its intended intensity.


If used with :imitio: Imitio, Mixi allows for a trait of an item or sorcia to be temporarily duplicated.

The nature of Mixi itself does not make a complete copy of an item or sorcia, but only its traits and will only exist temporarily. Not all traits can be duplicated, however, such as the effects of potions. For example, a healing potion can be duplicated, but there will be next to no healing effect nor satiate thirst.

If Mixi was effectively used on one-time status healing items without consuming them, it can be used to mass heal a status effect among the party. Consuming duplicated items end up being more harmful to the user than actually be of use since the duplicates themselves are made with sorcia.


Besides working with Mixi for amplification, the aspect can be used to combine traits as well. However, this can only be used to mix items and sorcia, not any living creature.

Any form of sorcia related to the facet of mixing with Mixi will most likely not have a guaranteed chance of the mixture being successful. As such more force is required to have a better chance of mixing.


With :verto: Verto, Mixi can selectively blend one or more traits from one trait to another in an item and/or sorcia. For items, this only blends a group of traits from one item into another, but not all of them. The item is not spent in the process.

Blending is used more in situations where not all traits are necessary from items and/or sorcia. Such as increasing the damage or offensive sorcia but not necessarily its range.


If blending is not an option, Mixi can be used to combine two sets of traits into one in an item and/or sorcia. For items, it only combines traits of one item to another and the item being transferred from is not expended.

In most cases Mixi is used in alchemy and forgery, mainly to combine and stack the effects of items and/or equipment used in the field. In battle, the effects of these is highly varied since sorcia in battle tends to have lower duration in active use. This is very useful for support spells when done right.

Sorcia Limitations

For sorcia being cast, the cost of force is scaled and imposed with the following restrictions: (The higher, the more cost it takes)

Any form of sorcia using Mixi will naturally cost exponentially, so careful usage is needed.



  • The trait specified
  • Intensity, exponentially
    • Margin of error (less than intended intensity)
      • Lowest is 25% away from intended
  • Duration


  • The trait specified
  • Amount of duplicates
    • Margin of error (less than intended amount)
      • Lowest is 25% away from intended
  • Duration
  • Effectiveness



  • The amount of traits involved
  • Chance of success (overall and/or per trait)
    • Lowest is 25% chance
  • Degree of success
    • Lowest is 25% of intended
  • Duration


  • The amount of traits involved
  • Chance of success (overall and/or per trait)
    • Lowest is 25% chance
  • Degree of success
    • Lowest is 25% of intended
  • Duration

Author Notes

  • Sorcia using Mixi tends to be harder to pull off than :amplius: Amplius due to its multiplicative nature exponentially scaling the cost.
  • Mixi is intended to be used to amplify affects muliplicatively rather than just outright duplicating an object or skill. Should one consider the use of Mixi to duplicate, it must be paired with :imitio: Imitio instead.
  • Mixi is not designed for transmutation, but in extreme cases it is allowed but a forbidden aspect must be involved in the process.


  • Among all of the aspects, Mixi's location is found at J5 (or the 50th color) in the color chart, responding to a moderate orange color #b89241.
  • Mixi was introduced in the aspect list's second pass, originally named “Miscere”.
    • Mixi's old name is “Miscere”, which means “mix” in Latin. This was changed to “Duplico”, the latin word double, due to the word being also similar to the word “misery” and to favor what Mixi actually does.
    • Then it was changed to “Mixi” to match Furria's “familiar yet unique” direction in its fourth pass, allowing it to highlight its facet to combine.






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aspect/mixi.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/19 07:06 by fiakaiera