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world:continents [2019/05/21 10:32]
fiakaiera added spacing
world:continents [2020/06/04 19:03] (current)
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 ====== Fiagia's Continents ====== ====== Fiagia's Continents ======
-**[[world:fiagia|Fiagia]]** is divided up into different continents dictated by and contained within [[world:leylines|leylines]]. There are a total of 13 continents in Fiagia, each with their own formations of landmasses and phenomenons.+**[[world:fiagia|Fiagia]]** is divided up into different continents dictated by and contained within [[world:leylines|leylines]]. There are a total of 13 continents in Fiagia, each with their own formations of landmasses and phenomena.
 Each continent is named and has a symbol dedicated by their theme based on their land. Ordered by name, they are: [[world:auril|Auril]], [[world:crescentalia|Crescentalia]], [[world:erthen|Erthen]], [[world:orusieve|Grusieve]], [[world:ingrixil|Ingrixil]], [[world:kurv|Kurv]], [[world:maahst|Maahst]], [[world:oceal|Oceal]], [[world:quailyn|Quailyn]], [[world:saviand|Saviand]], [[world:uphaval|Uphaval]], [[world:welisris|Welisris]] and [[world:ysla|Ysla]]. Each continent is named and has a symbol dedicated by their theme based on their land. Ordered by name, they are: [[world:auril|Auril]], [[world:crescentalia|Crescentalia]], [[world:erthen|Erthen]], [[world:orusieve|Grusieve]], [[world:ingrixil|Ingrixil]], [[world:kurv|Kurv]], [[world:maahst|Maahst]], [[world:oceal|Oceal]], [[world:quailyn|Quailyn]], [[world:saviand|Saviand]], [[world:uphaval|Uphaval]], [[world:welisris|Welisris]] and [[world:ysla|Ysla]].
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     * [[|Floraverse]]     * [[|Floraverse]]
world/continents.1558434756.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/05/21 10:32 by fiakaiera