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user:lati [2021/04/30 05:58]
user:lati [2021/07/06 11:56] (current)
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 Gyuri usually takes a path on the branches in the forest, trying to be unseen. When he engages in battle, he will throw blinding poison, which will make dark clouds like smoke bombs, which will block the enemy's eyesight, and set up his shadowy decoy to make enemies confused, to expose their weak spot. He will strike out at the exposed enemy at once with his blade. Gyuri usually takes a path on the branches in the forest, trying to be unseen. When he engages in battle, he will throw blinding poison, which will make dark clouds like smoke bombs, which will block the enemy's eyesight, and set up his shadowy decoy to make enemies confused, to expose their weak spot. He will strike out at the exposed enemy at once with his blade.
 +===Skill lists===
 +* **Shadow slash** :nox: :firmus:
 +  * <fc #FF0000>**2 HP**</fc>, <fc #547cde>**5 FP**</fc> Lv 1 **''[Enemy]''**
 +* **Carpe Nox** :nox: :firmus:
 +<fc #547cde>**30 FP**</fc> Lv 1 **''[Enemy]''** - It can be used 3 times, each time uses different attack,
 +1st time use - Swipe blade in order to attack all the enemies in sight, will reduce their DEF and STR for 3 turns
 +2nd time use - Becomes untargettable, Attack 5 enemies in a row, and they become "Marked"
 +3rd time use - Jumps high up and strikes down the "Marked" enemies, if the "Marked" enemies have less than 25% of their hp, they become downstated.
user/lati.1619762322.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2021/04/30 05:58 by lati