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typyl:harrison_nihil [2019/11/12 14:03]
fiakaiera complete overhaul
typyl:harrison_nihil [2020/09/12 22:54] (current)
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 | owner      = [[user>SomeRando]] | owner      = [[user>SomeRando]]
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 ====== Harrison Nihil ====== ====== Harrison Nihil ======
-**Harrison Nihil** is an unofficial character in [[furria:Furria]].+**Harrison Nihil** is a basic character for [[:furria|Furria]].
 <div info>**This character is intended to only have basic details.** As such not much info will be shown.</div> <div info>**This character is intended to only have basic details.** As such not much info will be shown.</div>
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 ===== Author Notes ===== ===== Author Notes =====
   * There is a deeper story to Harrison in the surface, but has deemed too harsh for the world of Furria. This information has since been omitted and is now treated as an entirely separate character.   * There is a deeper story to Harrison in the surface, but has deemed too harsh for the world of Furria. This information has since been omitted and is now treated as an entirely separate character.
 +    * Please ask [[user>SomeRando]] for this information if you are interested, or ask him on Discord. (Details found in their user page)
 ===== Inspirations ===== ===== Inspirations =====
   * **Shinx** from [[wp>Pokémon Diamond and Pearl]]   * **Shinx** from [[wp>Pokémon Diamond and Pearl]]
typyl/harrison_nihil.1573567421.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/12 14:03 by fiakaiera