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typyl:harrison_nihil [2018/02/09 03:13]
fiakaiera removed orient
typyl:harrison_nihil [2020/09/12 22:54] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-| owner      = [[user>harrisontheweirdone]]+| owner      = [[user>SomeRando]]
 | name-glyph = [ha]r[ri][so]n [ni][hi]l | name-glyph = [ha]r[ri][so]n [ni][hi]l
Line 7: Line 7:
 | name-first = Harrison | name-first = Harrison
 | name-last  = Nihil | name-last  = Nihil
-| disp-class = [[class:Furrial]]+| disp-class = Furrial
-| image      = http://via.placeholder.com/250x400?.png +| image      = typyl:harrison_nihil_mug.png 
-| art-credit = placeholder.com+| art-credit = [[user>chinoki346]]
 | aspect1    = :flamma: | aspect1    = :flamma:
-| aspect2    = :nox:+| aspect2    = :mors:
 | aspect3    = :vello: | aspect3    = :vello:
-| nature1    = Childish +| nature1    = Calm 
-| nature2    = Jolly+| nature2    = Adventurous
 | typ-type   = Lion-type | typ-type   = Lion-type
Line 26: Line 26:
 | physiq     = ♂ Male | physiq     = ♂ Male
 | hatchday   = Septea 8th | hatchday   = Septea 8th
 | hatchsign  = ♍ Virgo | hatchsign  = ♍ Virgo
-| arcana     XIX -– Sun+| arcana     – Fool
-| str-res    = 3 +| str-res    = 7 
-| sor-def    = 2 +| sor-def    = 6 
-| spd-vit    = 4+| spd-vit    = 3
 }} }}
Line 39: Line 40:
 ====== Harrison Nihil ====== ====== Harrison Nihil ======
-**Harrison Nihil** is a written character in [[furria:Furria]]. +**Harrison Nihil** is a basic character for [[:furria|Furria]]. 
-He is a young child carelessly roaming around near [[world:Amyriad]], doing childish actions.+ 
 +<div info>**This character is intended to only have basic details.** As such not much info will be shown.</div>
 === Additional Info === === Additional Info ===
-  * **Pronouns:** He/his/him +  * **Pronouns:** He/Him/His 
-  * **Age:** 11+  * **Age:** Prefers not to say
   * **Moral Alignment:** Chaotic Neutral   * **Moral Alignment:** Chaotic Neutral
-  * **Myers-Briggs Type:** Mediator ''INFT-T'' +  * **16-Type:** Mediator ''INFP-T'' 
-  * **Handedness:** Right-handed+  * **Suits Affiliation:** ♣ Cloves 
 +  * **Chess Affiliation:** ♟ Pawn
-  * **Average Height Scale:** 0.5x+  * **Average Height Scale:** x0.4287 (50.61cm) 
 +  * **Handedness:** Right-handed
   * **Colors**   * **Colors**
-    * **Inner:** ''<fc #D23E30>▮</fc>'' Matching+    * **Inner:** ''<fc #000000>▮</fc>'' Matching
     * **Aura:** ''<fc #FFDB4D>▮</fc> #FFDB4D'' Yellow     * **Aura:** ''<fc #FFDB4D>▮</fc> #FFDB4D'' Yellow
     * **Eye:** ''<fc #D23E30>▮</fc> #D23E30'' Red     * **Eye:** ''<fc #D23E30>▮</fc> #D23E30'' Red
Line 58: Line 62:
       * ''<fc #454545>▮</fc> #454545'' Primary: Charcoal       * ''<fc #454545>▮</fc> #454545'' Primary: Charcoal
       * ''<fc #8A8A8A>▮</fc> #8A8A8A'' Secondary: Light Charcoal       * ''<fc #8A8A8A>▮</fc> #8A8A8A'' Secondary: Light Charcoal
-      * ''<fc #D23E30>▮</fc> #D23E30'' Ear & Tail: Red+      * ''<fc #D23E30>▮</fc> #D23E30'' Accent: Red
   * **Battle Role:** Support   * **Battle Role:** Support
-  * **Weapon Type of Choice:** AT Fans +  * **Weapon Type of Choice:** :e-atfan: AT Fans 
-  * **Specific Weapon of Choice:** Hard Paddle-mixed Wooden Fan +  * **Specific Weapon of Choice:** Paddle-fan
- +
 ===== About ===== ===== About =====
-Harrison is your average unusual child Typyl who roams aroundbeing playfulfighting random weak enemies in the field.+A calmlazy at times guyhe’ll help if you ask.
-He has no formal training in fighting using a fan due to his laziness as far as he is concerned. He didn't need see the need anything above "smacking the enemy with a fan"having thought he knew how to use fan.+===== Skills ===== 
 +Aside from a limited use of :flamma: [[aspect:Flamma]] , :vello: [[aspect:Vello]] , and not much learned in the aspect of :mors: [[aspect:Mors]], he’s capable of seeing odd items lot easier than other Typyl.
-Harrison has also a light understanding in merchantry, which helps him haggle with merchants and sell his own items found in the field without selling it to another merchant. +=== Paddlefan === 
- +He uses it more as striking weaponsurprisingly, than a normal Attack Fan.
-==== Personality ==== +
-Harrison is a lazy but silly Typyl who would probably spank a downed enemy in order to embarrass them. He is ultimately childly and easily gets angry when something is not going in order with his plan. +
- +
-As a merchant, he acts mostly modest and tries a lot in order to convince a customer but fails to do so. He also has a keen eye in finding weird items that could be of use to others that he finds himself useless. +
- +
-==== History ==== +
-Harrison is currently running around and fighting random weak monsters for money due to boredom of his merchant life. If he ends up not working out, he might consider making a few extra sales but has doubts why would (honestly) buy the weird stuff he sells. +
- +
-The fan he has is simply bought from a stall and started wandering about afterwards. +
- +
-=== Feeble Merchantry === +
-In the past, Harrison was a simple merchant selling items at a small stall in [[world:Amyriad]]. He was selling weird and oddly unique usually high-priced "other worldy" items at a particularly low price, never stating how he got the nor where he gets them. +
- +
-His only sale was a "Drink Me" potion that shrunk whoever drank it to [[marielle nadezhda|particular person]]. His customer's curiosity ended up splashing another Typyl with the said potion. No other sale was made and he ended up giving up into his current state in life. +
- +
-===== Skills ===== +
-Harrion might not have training of a [[class:Fanica]] due to thinking of using a fan to whack insteadbut somewhat is effective at defeating weak enemies quickly with relative ease using quick but hard strikes using his fan. Howeverhe doesn't know any other skill using it other than bashing.+
-If he is not fighting, Harrison has basic knowledge of merchantry and knows how to sell and haggle prices to be lowered when buyingHe is also good at finding odd items around the region and tries to use it at his advantage.+===== Author Notes ===== 
 +  * There is a deeper story to Harrison in the surface, but has deemed too harsh for the world of FurriaThis information has since been omitted and is now treated as an entirely separate character. 
 +    * Please ask [[user>SomeRando]] for this information if you are interested, or ask him on Discord(Details found in their user page)
 ===== Inspirations ===== ===== Inspirations =====
-  * **Shinx** from [[wp>Pokémon]]+  * **Shinx** from [[wp>Pokémon Diamond and Pearl]] 
typyl/harrison_nihil.1518145988.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/02/09 03:13 by fiakaiera