This shows you the differences between two versions of the page.
t:info_confirmed [2020/09/05 23:30] fiakaiera created |
t:info_confirmed [2020/09/05 23:30] (current) fiakaiera |
<div important>**This is now considered as official.** To keep up with the official info, visit their [[typyl:{{{page}}}|proper page]] in the wiki. //This page acts as an update without editing and committing to the officially published page.//</div> | <div important>**This is now considered as official.** To keep up with the official info, visit their [[{{{page}}}|proper page]] in the wiki. //This page acts as an update without editing and committing to the officially published page.//</div> |
t/info_confirmed.1599348625.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/09/05 23:30 by fiakaiera