oc:shesh:rose_iomi backlinks history revert


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oc:shesh:rose_iomi [2021/07/03 16:51]
shesh Changed some words to aspects
oc:shesh:rose_iomi [2021/07/21 03:57] (current)
shesh relationship edit
Line 91: Line 91:
 | name  = Kaiera L'Heart | name  = Kaiera L'Heart
 | relationship  = Trusted Cats | relationship  = Trusted Cats
-| compatibility = ★★★☆☆½+| compatibility = ★★★☆☆
 }} }}
 {{wst>typyl_relation {{wst>typyl_relation
Line 97: Line 97:
 | name  = Shadic Electrois | name  = Shadic Electrois
 | relationship  = Friendly Tiger Mouse | relationship  = Friendly Tiger Mouse
-| compatibility = ★★★☆☆½+| compatibility = ★★★☆☆
 }} }}
oc/shesh/rose_iomi.1625331076.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/03 16:51 by shesh