oc:sav:mine_agreste backlinks history

 Ags
Mine Agreste


Character by fiakaiera

Artist Credit: fiaKaiera




Furrial Display Class
Presav Glacies



Relaxed Casual
Physique ♀ Female
Hatchday Decea 9th / ♐ Sagittarius
Arcana FIXME
Fivs (5)
Fivs (5)
Humno (H)
Stat Balance

Mine Agreste

Mine Agreste (マイェン Mayin) is one of the deceased Presav representing the aspect :glacies: Glacies and a participant of the Hidden Anthropomorphic Compound project.

Additional Info

  • Moral Alignment: FIXME
  • 16-P Type: FIXME
  • Average Height Scale: FIXME
  • Handedness: FIXME
  • Colors
    • Inner: Natural
    • Aura: #32CD32 Lime
    • Eye: #e4ffc8 Light Green
    • Pigments:
      • #000000 FIXME
      • #000000 FIXME


Mine is one of the original participants that underwent Antecedence through an incident relating to the Hidden Anthropomorphic Compound project, unwillingly contributing to the Saviand Anomaly. Mine has a carefree personality but she also has a tendency to annoy others.FIXME


As a Human

As a human, Mine spent her school days not really worrying about her future or what she wanted to do. She just focused on the now and making sure she enjoyed herself. This had often caused her to be found doing all manner of activities in her free time. As if she were a jack of all trades but master of none; she was seen to be good at any kind of game, sport or subject. However she would always change with what entertained her on a whim which tended to end up annoying others in her class. Despite this others always found her fun to be around.

As a Typyl

Her carefree nature only seemed to be aided when becoming a Typyl. Normally she could be seen flying around, well letting the wind take her wherever it wanted as she would learn how to do various tricks with her new found wings. Helping the group with random day to day tasks and never really had a set role.


Mine unlike vast majoritey of the H.A.C participents didnt have a set reason to join. Just thinking of it as a fun thing to do she signed up at the same time as her fellow classmate April did. Days before the departure day, she had yet to pick a key, and would go on long walks thinking about which to take. As luck would have it she got the idea of taking the Butterfly key the day before leaving after watching a documentary on them. Taking her time to leave on the last day, her final messages to her family were written on hand made cards in the shapes of Butterflies.




  • Mine is one of the characters to be written by Snow at 6 AM


  • Mine's last name is the same as the character Gabriel Agreste, from the show Miraculous Ladybug whom many fans speculate to be the villain of the show, Hawkmoth (The butterfly in french)

👤 Presav 👤


oc/sav/mine_agreste.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/04 19:03 (external edit)