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oc:pany:verse_aqua [2021/02/27 15:51]
oc:pany:verse_aqua [2021/02/27 15:57] (current)
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 **Verse Aqua** is an unofficial character in [[:furria|Furria]]. **Verse Aqua** is an unofficial character in [[:furria|Furria]].
-Verse Aqua is one of the humans that went through [[culture:antecedence|antecedence]] representing the user [[user:pany]].+Verse Aqua is one of the humans that went through [[culture:antecedence|antecedence]] 
 === Additional Info === === Additional Info ===
-  * **Nickname/s:** FIXME +  * **Nickname/s:** Verqa 
-  * **Pronouns:** FIXME +  * **Pronouns:** He/Him 
-  * **Age:** FIXME +  * **Age:** 22 
-  * **Title:** FIXME+  * **Title:** "Draconian storm"
   * **Hometown:** FIXME   * **Hometown:** FIXME
-  * **Moral Alignment:** FIXME +  * **Moral Alignment:** Chaotic Evil 
-  * **16-P Type:** FIXME +  * **16-P Type:** INTJ 
-  * **Suits Affiliation:** FIXME +  * **Suits Affiliation:** ♣ Cloves 
-  * **Chess Affiliation:** FIXME+  * **Chess Affiliation:** ♛ Queen
   * **Average Height Scale:** FIXME   * **Average Height Scale:** FIXME
oc/pany/verse_aqua.1614441116.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/02/27 15:51 by pany