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oc:osi_m_t:osike_vald_nare [2020/10/04 08:16]
fiakaiera created
oc:osi_m_t:osike_vald_nare [2020/10/04 14:39] (current)
Line 208: Line 208:
 ==== Other ==== ==== Other ====
 +<div centeralign>
 {{wst>typyl_relation {{wst>typyl_relation
 | image = mugs:blank.png | image = mugs:blank.png
 | name  = Makna  | name  = Makna 
 | relationship  = She hates her. They haven’t talked in a while, a big big while. | relationship  = She hates her. They haven’t talked in a while, a big big while.
-| compatibility = ★★★★+| compatibility = ★☆☆☆
 }} }}
 {{wst>typyl_relation {{wst>typyl_relation
Line 218: Line 219:
 | name  = Anter  | name  = Anter 
 | relationship  = She seems incapable of begin in the same place with his brother | relationship  = She seems incapable of begin in the same place with his brother
-| compatibility = ★★★★+| compatibility = ☆☆☆☆
 }} }}
 ===== Inspirations ===== ===== Inspirations =====
   * **Anartsure Val**, an Osi.mt character    * **Anartsure Val**, an Osi.mt character 
   * Osi.mt    * Osi.mt 
oc/osi_m_t/osike_vald_nare.1601799361.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/10/04 08:16 by fiakaiera