oc:mystery:recht_van_cromme backlinks history revert


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oc:mystery:recht_van_cromme [2023/10/21 23:09]
oc:mystery:recht_van_cromme [2023/10/22 08:22] (current)
mystery corrected card suit
Line 50: Line 50:
   * **Moral Alignment:** Lawful Neutral   * **Moral Alignment:** Lawful Neutral
   * **16-P Type:** ENFP-A   * **16-P Type:** ENFP-A
-  * **Suits Affiliation:** Cloves+  * **Suits Affiliation:** Clubs
   * **Chess Affiliation:** Rook   * **Chess Affiliation:** Rook
oc/mystery/recht_van_cromme.1697929759.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/10/21 23:09 by mystery