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oc:home [2019/11/15 16:55]
fiakaiera added list of OCs
oc:home [2020/06/04 19:03] (current)
Line 3: Line 3:
 The **[[creature:typyl|Typyl]]** are human-like anthropomorphic creatures of [[world:fiagia|Fiagia]] that serves as the main race for Furria. The **[[creature:typyl|Typyl]]** are human-like anthropomorphic creatures of [[world:fiagia|Fiagia]] that serves as the main race for Furria.
-This is the hub for all characters confirmed or officially approved for the Furria. However, not all characters are listed in this directory.+ 
 +This is the hub for all characters that either have been created, in progress, confirmedofficially approved, pulled or not approved for Furria. All of the listed characters here are original characters intended for Furria, but does not mean it is officially part of Furria.
 <span info>For characters confirmed or officially approved for Furria, check [[:typyl:home|wiki/typyl]] directory.</span> <span info>For characters confirmed or officially approved for Furria, check [[:typyl:home|wiki/typyl]] directory.</span>
 +<div info>To create an original character (OC) of your own, follow the [[guide:typyl|Typyl Creation Guide]].\\ 
 +If you're looking to add your own OC in the wiki, follow the [[guide:oc|OC Page Creation Guide]].</div>
 <nspages oc <nspages oc
 -pregPagesTitleOff="/#REDIRECT/" -pregPagesTitleOff="/#REDIRECT/"
 -exclude -exclude:[home index] -exclude -exclude:[home index]
 -actualTitle=2 -nbCol=3 -actualTitle=2 -nbCol=3
--subns -pagesInNs -r -title+-r -title
 -textNS="List of All OCs" -textNS="List of All OCs"
 > >
oc/home.1573836929.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/15 16:55 by fiakaiera