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oc:home [2018/10/02 05:36]
shadicozzy created
oc:home [2020/06/04 19:03] (current)
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-{{t>i:typyl+====== 👤 OC Home ====== 
 +**Main Article:** [[creature:Typyl|Typyl]]
-owner      = [[user>shadicozzy]]+The **[[creature:typyl|Typyl]]** are human-like anthropomorphic creatures of [[world:fiagia|Fiagia]] that serves as the main race for Furria.
-| name-glyph = FIXME +This is the hub for all characters that either have been created, in progress, confirmed, officially approved, pulled or not approved for Furria. All of the listed characters here are original characters intended for Furria, but does not mean it is officially part of Furria.
-| name-full  = Evan Electrois +
-| name-first = Evan +
-| name-last  = Electrois +
-| disp-class = Gun Maniac+
-| image      = typyl:blank.png +<span info>For characters confirmed or officially approved for Furria, check [[:typyl:home|wiki/typyl]] directory.</span> 
-art-credit = [[user>fiaKaiera]]+<div info>To create an original character (OC) of your own, follow the [[guide:typyl|Typyl Creation Guide]].\\  
 +If you're looking to add your own OC in the wiki, follow the [[guide:oc|OC Page Creation Guide]].</div>
-| aspect1    = :vis: +<nspages oc 
-| aspect2    :velox: +-pregPagesTitleOff="/#REDIRECT/" 
-| aspect3    =  +-pregPagesOff="/.+:home/" 
- +-exclude -exclude:[home index] 
-| nature1    = Serious +-actualTitle=-nbCol=3 
-| nature2    = Somewhat Nihilistic +--title 
- +-textNS="List of All OCs" 
-| typ-type   Hy Tiger-Mouse +-anchorName="testName
-| typ-fam    = Feline-fam +>
-| comp-hand  Triq (3) +
-| comp-foot  Triq (3) +
-| comp-form  = Humno +
- +
-| physiq     = Male +
-| hatchday   = October 16th +
-| hatchsign  = Libra +
-| arcana     =  +
- +
-| str-res    = 2 +
-| sor-def    +
-| spd-vit    = 2 +
- +
-}} +
- +
-====== Home ====== +
-**Evan Electrois** is an unofficial character in [[furria:Furria]]. +
- +
-Home is one of the humans that went through [[culture:antecedence|antecedence]] representing the user [[user:shadicozzy]]. +
- +
-=== Additional Info === +
-  * **Nickname/s:** Eight, Evan +
-  * **Pronouns:** He/Him +
-  * **Age:** 18 +
-  * **Title:** Mercernary For Hire +
-  * **Hometown:** Unknown +
- +
-  * **Moral Alignment:** Chaotic Neutral +
-  * **16-P Type:**  +
-  * **Suits Affiliation:** FIXME +
-  * **Chess Affiliation:** FIXME +
- +
-  * **Average Height Scale:** 1.2x +
-  * **Handedness:** Right-handed +
-  * **Colors** +
-    * **Inner:** ''<fc #DE6B48>▮</fc>'' Natural or ''<fc #000000>▮</fc>'' Matching +
-    * **Aura:** ''<fc #000000>▮</fc> #000000'' FIXME +
-    * **Eye:** ''<fc #9B0006>▮</fc>  #D93938>''  +
-    * **Pigments:** +
-      * ''<fc #000000>▮</fc> #000000'' FIXME +
-      * ''<fc #000000>▮</fc> #000000'' FIXME +
- +
-  * **Battle Role:** Gun Assassin +
-  * **Weapon Type of Choice:** Guns +
-  * **Specific Weapon of Choice:** Any Gun that suits the job +
- +
-===== About ===== +
-Evan Electrois is the more serious brother of Shadic Electrois. Unlike his brother Evan cant Duowiel properly but more so relies on his gun skills, using any skill will either cause him to switch the gun hes using or keep it. Having been imbued with a power known as the "Berserk Geneticwhen he falls below half his HP he goes into overload.  +
- +
-==== Personality ==== +
-Evans personality is more serious and to the point. While he may not think straight sometimes he usually acts on his own instinct. Hes rough and can come off as Nihilistic at first but when you get to know him his serious attitude is just how he is. +
- +
-==== History ==== +
- +
-===== Skills ===== +
- +
-===== Relationships ===== +
- +
-===== Inspirations ===== +
oc/home.1538458568.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/10/02 05:36 by shadicozzy