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oc:bakubreaker98:raksh_undala:scaeva [2020/11/22 22:07] bakubreaker98 created |
oc:bakubreaker98:raksh_undala:scaeva [2020/11/22 22:08] (current) bakubreaker98 |
====== Overview ====== | ====== Scaeva ====== |
Raksh's gunblade, **Scaeva**, is a specially augmented weapon that is able to utilize special Sorcia-infused cartridges to imbue different [[culture:Aspects|Aspect]] properties into the gunblade. The cartridges can imbue most Aspects onto the weapon, but there are a few rules to its use. | Raksh's gunblade, **Scaeva**, is a specially augmented weapon that is able to utilize special Sorcia-infused cartridges to imbue different [[culture:Aspects|Aspect]] properties into the gunblade. The cartridges can imbue most Aspects onto the weapon, but there are a few rules to its use. |
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oc/bakubreaker98/raksh_undala/scaeva.1606082860.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/11/22 22:07 by bakubreaker98