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๐Ÿ”ฐ Typyl: Physical Traits

name = typpttop

Last Updated: โ€” fiaKaiera 2019/05/19 07:52

The physical traits section determines the physical traits of a typyl individual outside of its Physique and Typing.

This section introduces three sections: Average Height Scale, Handedness and Colors.


Average Height Scale

name = typptahs This information is required.

Average Height Scale determines the character's height. The average height for a Typyl is that only 75% of the average height of a female human being1), which is 3'10โ€ or 118.05 cm in height. Despite this, females tend to be much shorter than average.

Should you copy over a character's height to Furria, make sure it is 75% of their original height.

To help with this, a tool is made to display Figlyphs with ease.
Use the Figlyphs Converter to easily determine the character's Average Height Scale


name = typpthand This information is required.

Handedness determines the Typyl's dominant hand. Usually divides into three: Left, right and ambidex. (ambidextrous)

  • Left-handed
  • Right-handed
  • Ambidex (or Ambidex, left/right preferred)


name = typptcolor This information is required.

Colors or rather, pigments determine of the color of the fur and/or skin found on a Typyl individual. This is further divided into sub-sections which determine specific parts.

  • Inner Color
  • Aura Color
  • Eye Color
  • Pigments Color

f:guide typyl

In South Korea, 20+ of age, recorded at 2010. Set at 5'2โ€œ or 157.4 cm. [1] [2]
guide/typyl_traits.1558274784.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/05/19 14:06 by fiakaiera