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guide:typyl_traits [2019/05/21 19:05]
shadicozzy Grammar Fixes
guide:typyl_traits [2020/06/04 19:03] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== 🔰 Typyl: Physical Traits ====== ====== 🔰 Typyl: Physical Traits ======
-{{t>t:typyl guide nav|name = typpttop}}+{{wst>typyl guide nav|name = typpttop}}
 > **Last Updated:** --- //[[user:fiakaiera]] 2019/05/21 03:03// > **Last Updated:** --- //[[user:fiakaiera]] 2019/05/21 03:03//
Line 10: Line 10:
 ===== Average Height Scale ===== ===== Average Height Scale =====
-{{t>t:typyl guide nav|name = typptahs}}+{{wst>typyl guide nav|name = typptahs}}
 <span info><fc #dc0914>//**This information is required.**//</fc></span> <span info><fc #dc0914>//**This information is required.**//</fc></span>
Line 26: Line 26:
 ===== Handedness ===== ===== Handedness =====
-{{t>t:typyl guide nav|name = typpthand}}+{{wst>typyl guide nav|name = typpthand}}
 <span info><fc #dc0914>//**This information is required.**//</fc></span> <span info><fc #dc0914>//**This information is required.**//</fc></span>
Line 36: Line 36:
 ===== Colors ===== ===== Colors =====
-{{t>t:typyl guide nav|name = typptcolor}}+{{wst>typyl guide nav|name = typptcolor}}
 <span info><fc #dc0914>//**This information is required.**//</fc></span> <span info><fc #dc0914>//**This information is required.**//</fc></span>
Line 44: Line 44:
   * [[#Inner Color|Inner Color]]   * [[#Inner Color|Inner Color]]
   * [[#Aura Color|Aura Color]]   * [[#Aura Color|Aura Color]]
-  * Eye Color +  * [[#Aura Color|Eye Color]] 
-  * Pigments Color+  * [[#Pigments Color|Pigments Color]] 
 +<span tip>Some of the specific color names come from [[|Colblindor]] by Daniel Flueck.</span>
 ==== Inner Color ==== ==== Inner Color ====
Line 80: Line 82:
   * Primary, Rostrum (for avians)   * Primary, Rostrum (for avians)
-{{t>f:guide typyl}}+{{wst>:f:guide typyl}}
guide/typyl_traits.1558465532.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/05/21 19:05 by shadicozzy