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guide:figlyphs_typing [2018/01/22 03:57]
fiakaiera [Typying Figlyphs Ouside the Wiki]
guide:figlyphs_typing [2020/06/04 19:03] (current)
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 Consistently typing in Figlyphs only works when editing a page in the wiki. A [[playground:playground|playground]] page is available when it's needed to test out in Figlyphs. Consistently typing in Figlyphs only works when editing a page in the wiki. A [[playground:playground|playground]] page is available when it's needed to test out in Figlyphs.
 +<div box thick>
 ==== Basic Text ==== ==== Basic Text ====
-<div box thick> 
 To type Figlyphs inside the wiki, you must start the text with ''<nowiki>-::</nowiki>'' and end with ''<nowiki>::-</nowiki>''. To type Figlyphs inside the wiki, you must start the text with ''<nowiki>-::</nowiki>'' and end with ''<nowiki>::-</nowiki>''.
   * **Example:** Typing ''<nowiki>-::Hello World!::-</nowiki>'' will result in -::Hello World!::-.   * **Example:** Typing ''<nowiki>-::Hello World!::-</nowiki>'' will result in -::Hello World!::-.
 </div> </div>
 +<div box thick>
 ==== Stacked Characters ==== ==== Stacked Characters ====
-<div box thick> 
 Figlyphs contains stacked letters as well, to create combinations of them, all you have to do is to encase two lower-case letters between ''['' and '']''. Figlyphs contains stacked letters as well, to create combinations of them, all you have to do is to encase two lower-case letters between ''['' and '']''.
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 ==== Quick Clipboard ==== ==== Quick Clipboard ====
-{{t>t:figlyphs clipboard}}+{{wst>figlyphs clipboard}}
guide/figlyphs_typing.1516593473.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/22 03:57 by fiakaiera