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guide:figlyphs [2018/01/20 01:09]
fiakaiera added [Reading Figlyphs] (incomplete)
guide:figlyphs [2020/06/04 19:03] (current)
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 ====== 🔰 Figlyphs ====== ====== 🔰 Figlyphs ======
-Figlyphs are the [[species:typyl|Typyl]]'s way of writing down information that they can understand. It's been universally used among the continents and moons as a way of communication.+> **Main Article:** [[culture:Figlyphs]] 
 +Figlyphs are the [[creature:typyl|Typyl]]'s way of writing down information that they can understand. It's been universally used among the continents and moons as a way of communication.
 This guide will show you how to read and write Figlyphs and is separated into parts. This guide will show you how to read and write Figlyphs and is separated into parts.
-{{INLINETOC}}+<div inline box thick> 
 +<div centeralign>**Contents**</div> 
 +  * [[guide:figlyphs writing|Writing]] 
 +  * [[guide:figlyphs typing|Typing]]
-===== Reading Figlyphs ===== +  [[guide:figlyphs reading|Reading]] 
-Figlyphs is almost simply a ciphered version of English, with almost all of the consonants being the same. However, the manner of speaking is mostly smooth and thus, no rolling R's. +  * [[guide:figlyphs reading numbers|Reading Numbers]] 
- +  * [[guide:figlyphs pronounciation|Pronounciation]] 
-There are two types of conveying letters: individual and stacked. +</div>
-  **Individual:** Individual letters act by themselves and often used to accent a syllable or to isolate pronounciation. +
-    * **Examples:** -::C::-, -::H::-, -::I::-, -::N::- and -::O::- +
-  * **Stacked:** A stacked letter is a cluster of two individual letters. Often used to emphasize a syllable. Pronouncing stacked letters is important to emphasize what they could mean and differ from different words. +
-    * **Examples:** -::[lo]::- and -::[ne]::- +
-    It is important to take note that -::T::-(T) and -::O::-(O) are displayed sideways when stacked. +
-      * **Examples:** -::[ta]::- and -::[yo]::- +
- +
-==== Consonants ==== +
-Consonants can be also stacked when another vowel is present. +
- +
-^  Consonant  ^  IPA  ^  ENG Pronounciation   ENG Example  ^  FGL Example ^ +
-|  -::B:: |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  | +
-|  -::C:: |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  | +
-|  -::D:: |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  | +
-|  -::E:: |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  | +
-|  -::F:: |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  | +
-|  -::G:: |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  | +
-|  -::H:: |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  | +
-|  -::J:: |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  | +
-|  -::K:: |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  | +
-|  -::L:: |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  | +
-|  -::M:: |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  | +
-|  -::N:: |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  | +
-|  -::P:: |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  | +
-|  -::Q:: |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  | +
-|  -::R:: |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  | +
-|  -::S:: |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  | +
-|  -::T:: |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  | +
-|  -::V:: |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  | +
-|  -::W:: |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  | +
-|  -::X:: |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  | +
-|  -::Z:: |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  |  xx  | +
-==== Vowels ==== +
-==== Numbers ==== +
- +
-===== Writing Figlyphs ===== +
-==== via Hand ==== +
-==== via Typing ====+
guide/figlyphs.1516410587.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/20 01:09 by fiakaiera