dice:draft backlinks history revert


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dice:draft [2018/06/15 02:58]
fiakaiera exchanged species link to creature link
dice:draft [2020/06/04 19:03] (current)
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-===== Character Creation =====+===== โŒ Character Creation =====
 For a start, create a character find a concept and a name you would like. If you created a [[creature:typyl|Typyl]] character, you may also use that instead, where most of the character is predetermined already. For a start, create a character find a concept and a name you would like. If you created a [[creature:typyl|Typyl]] character, you may also use that instead, where most of the character is predetermined already.
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 === Aspects === === Aspects ===
-**Aspects** refers to the [[aspects:home|60 Aspects of Furria]]. Aspects can give bonuses to actions related to the specfic aspect. When creating a character, **you can choose up to 3 aspects** and you can give up an aspect slot to power up another aspect.+**Aspects** refers to the [[aspect:home|60 Aspects of Furria]]. Aspects can give bonuses to actions related to the specfic aspect. When creating a character, **you can choose up to 3 aspects** and you can give up an aspect slot to power up another aspect.
 ===== Task Resolution ===== ===== Task Resolution =====
dice/draft.1529031498.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/06/15 02:58 by fiakaiera