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dice:diverse_gameplay_old [2018/05/28 10:12]
fiakaiera created
dice:diverse_gameplay_old [2020/06/04 19:03] (current)
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-====== ๐ŸŽฒ Gameplay Process ======+====== โŒ Gameplay Process ======
 **Furrian Dice**, simplified as Fia โ€“ Dice, is a simple free-formed tabletop fantasy roleplaying game. Okay that was lengthy, it's basically a game where everyone plays a part in a story, whether it's yourself or an entirely different character. **Furrian Dice**, simplified as Fia โ€“ Dice, is a simple free-formed tabletop fantasy roleplaying game. Okay that was lengthy, it's basically a game where everyone plays a part in a story, whether it's yourself or an entirely different character.
dice/diverse_gameplay_old.1527502361.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/05/28 10:12 by fiakaiera