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🎲 Gameplay Guide

Furrian Dice, simplified as Fia – Dice, is a simple free-formed tabletop roleplaying game based on Furria. The game is all about storytelling in the world of Furria in a sense where everyone contributes in anyway to make it fun.

Though there's a lot to explain, we will try to simplify it for you.


πŸ‘€ Players

Players of Furrian Dice is divided into a Field Master and its cast. One cannot work without the other.

πŸ“’ Field Master
The Field Master (FM) is the one who dictates and decides the game, and the one responsible for leading the story.

The FM is the one who creates the adventures for the cast, they describe situations to let them decide what they will do, and the one who determines and narrates the outcome of their choices. They also dictate what is and is not allowed.

πŸ‘₯ Cast
The cast are the group of players who will be the ones going through the FM's adventure laid out for them.

Each player that is not an FM creates and plays a character as part of the cast and teams up with other members of the cast (played by friends). As part of the cast, it is their role for their character to make choices for the story to go on.

πŸŒ€ Flow of Gameplay

Everything is led by the FM as they dictate through their story. As part of the cast, you are given a chance to interact with the story and try as much to play through or go wild it it, as long as you don't end up throwing everyone off. The purpose of the game is to have fun, afterall.

Tip: Since Furrian Dice is a free-formed game, expect the β€œrules” get broken depending who is the FM.


When the cast is given a chance to interact (or interrupt depending on the FM), they can do any of these:

πŸ€” Do Something
As long as it's within your reach, you can do an action related to the what is given.

⁉️ Use a Skill
As long as you have the opportunity to do so, you can use a skill related to what is given.

Details about it is explained in the ✑️ Skills section.

Interactions and Conflicts

The cast may do whatever may want in the flow of the adventure, but at times the FM may prompt them with the following based on their decision:

βœ‹ Interaction
An interaction is when a cast member has to roll a dice for a degree of success as a result of their dictated action. This is usually done for actions that does not have to be resisted.

More is dictated in the βœ‹ Interactions section.

βš”οΈ Conflict
A conflict is where a cast member has to work their way to success through several rolls of the dice in order to succeed in their dictated action.

This could be either resisted or not. More is explained in the βš”οΈ Conflicts section.

Both of them are dictated by a degree of success, which is explained in the next section.

🎲 Success

Degrees of Success (or simply, Success) dictates how much you are successful when doing a task from rolling a six-sided dice (D6).

🎲 Degrees of Success

Roll βš€βš€
Success? No, and…, and… No, and… No Yes, but… Yes Yes Yes, and… Yes, and…, and…
Degrees of Success -2
Lucky Failure
Critical Failure
Partial Success
Critical Success
Lucky Success

Success or Failure?

What happens is dependent on the result of the dice:

βœ–οΈ Failure
Failure (Success 0) will result into their desired action not happening at all.

A Critical Failure (Success -1) is a failure and something bad will happen.

A Lucky Failure (Success -2 or less) is a failure and two or more bad things will happen depending on how low the success can go.

βœ”οΈ Success
Success (Success 2) will result into their desired action happening as intended.

A Critical Success (Success 3) is a success and something good will happen.

A Lucky Success (Success 4 or more) is a success and two or more good things will happen depending on how high the success can go.

A Partial Success (Success 1) is a success but something bad will happen.

Other Factors

In addition to these degrees, there are other factors that contributes to their success:

☝️ Choices of Dice
If you roll multiple dice, that member of the cast can pick which die will be the result of their action.


  • The cast member ends up with βšβš‚βš„ (2, 3 and 5) on their roll, they can pick βš„ (5) as their success.
  • Alternatively, they can choose ⚁ (2) and be ridiculous and see what happens.

πŸŒ— Ones and Sixes
For every 1s or 6s that the cast member did not pick, their roll is:

  • … reduced by 1 for every βš€ (dice facing 1); and
  • … added by 1 for every βš… (dice facing 6).


  • The cast member ends up with βš€βš„ (1 and 5) and picks βš„ (5), they end up with the roll of βšƒ (4).

βœ‹ Interactions

When a character is given a chance to do an interaction, the cast member may do whatever the cast member dictates that their character should do, as long as it is allowed by the FM.

Usually, when an interaction is not actively resisted, (like scenery or environment interactions) you roll for a degree of success.

Not every situation follows the standard and sometimes interactions are done this way:

  • β­• Point Penalty – -1 Dice Value
    If the task is hard but manageable without special knowledge or skill
    , they FM may deduct 1 point from the dice's value.
  • πŸ”΄ Dice Penalty – -1 Dice Rolled
    If the task is advanced and requires specific knowledge they do not have, the FM may deduct 1 dice when a cast member rolls. This could end up with 0 dice, making the task impossible.
  • πŸ”΅ Easy Success – Always Succeed
    If the task is easy enough, they will never have to roll for it. If the task is easy enough to offer a bonus to a roll, simply assume it was a success.

βš”οΈ Conflict

When the situation calls for it, the party will have no choice but to do conflict. There are three types of conflict that the FM can impose on the party.

After every conflict, experience is gained. How much is dictated in the ⏫ Experience section.

πŸ”— One-sided Conflict

If the interaction requires more effort or successes than expected, then it becomes a one-sided conflict. A one-sided conflict will always go through like this:

  • The opposing interaction will always start with 10 Action Points (10 AP)
  • Keep rolling for success
    • If the roll is successful, the opposing will have their AP decreased by the value chosen by the dice
    • If the roll is a failure, the conflict fails
  • If the opposing interaction ends up with 0 AP, the conflict is successful

πŸ—―οΈ Context Conflict

Context Conflict happens when something or someone is actively resisted. This usually happens in conversations or conflicts happening in the world. Context conflicts always go like this:

Turn Process

  1. Both sides will have to roll for success AND damage for each turn
    • As success
      • A failure will result losing the current turn
      • There will only be failures and successes
      • Partial Success counts as a success instead
      • Crtical and Lucky success or failures counts only as a success or failure
    • As damage
      • Both sides will have their trait value added to their damage
      • Every dice's value is considered
      • (Total value + Trait)
  2. The higher valued side will have the other side take damage on their AP
    • They will take damage depending on the value of the winning side
    • …but is reduced by the value of the opposing side
    • (Winning value + Losing value)
    • Any negative value will be treated as 0
  3. Turn repeats once all damage is done

Starting Conditions

  • Both sides will start with 10 Action Points (10 AP)
  • The value used depends on the trait in context (for example: CHA is used in arguments)

Ending Conditions

  • The conflict is won once their opponent reaches 0 AP

πŸ—‘οΈ Combat Conflict

Combat Conflicts happen when you have to fight.


dice/diverse_gameplay.1533126033.txt.gz Β· Last modified: 2018/08/01 12:20 by fiakaiera